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File metadata and controls

83 lines (57 loc) · 4.87 KB


A small collection (for now) of things I use on my minecraft server.

  • A pretty simple script to backup your entire LINUX Minecraft Server directory to another directory of your choice. It can also auto-update to the latest version of Paper ( after 'x' number of days. It has some error checking, logs everything it does, auto-deletes old backups after 'x' days and has the ability to alert using Pushover (
  • minecraft-server.service - A Linux service file to run your PaperMC server in a screen session

See a list of To Do's on the wiki page here

Why and Getting Started

Hopefully you'll find this script of some use, this all started when my personal server crashed and I lost everything. It started on a windows machine with a batch file backup job to a NAS, then to powershell script because I didn't like .bat logging, and now to a full blown ESXi VM with nightly backups and automated updates.


This script is based on my server which uses the following:

  • Linux server (Debian 9 or Ubuntu) already running a PaperMC server
  • Server running via a service: minecraft-server.server
  • Server running in Linux screen
  • Permissions to start/stop the service without a password prompt (lookup sudoers)
"username" ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service "service file name" start
"username" ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service "service file name" stop

minecraft ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service minecraft-server stop
minecraft ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service minecraft-server start
  • (Temporary) A pushover account from (hoping to remove this Dependency soon), in the meantime you can comment out any "push" code in there

Mandatory items

A few variables must match exactly in your service file and the script.

  1. If your service file name is "minecraft-server.service" then the servicename variable in the script will be servicename="minecraft-server"
  2. In your service file, the name of the screen in this command for example ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -h 2048 -dmS SCREENNAME java must match the screenname variable in the script. Using this as an example your script screenname variable will be screenname=SCREENNAME
  3. source = the directory to be backed up (ex: /somedir/minecraft)
  4. dest = where the archive files will be placed (ex: /mnt/someNASdevice/minecraftbackup)
  5. savemethod = 'y' or 'n'
  • This determines if the script will send a stop-save command (the 'y' option) to the server or a stop (the 'n' option) to the server
    • Note if you want the server to auto upgrade this variable must be set to 'n'
  1. If you plan on using the automatic update part, create a directory in your source folder called .jarbackups
    • mkdir .jarbackups/
    • This is a hidden folder the old paperclip.jar files live in for x (30 by default) days before being automatically deleted

Optional items

  1. daystokeep = how many days to keep backup files in the $dest (default "+7")
    • Note that the + sign needs to be in front, same goes for the variables below except "tries"
  2. paperclipupdateinterval = how many days old the paperclip.jar file needs to be before it's updated (default is "+5")
  3. paperclipjartime = how many days to keep the old replaced paperclip.jar files in the .jarbackups folder before deleting them (default is +30)
  4. tries = this probably isn't needed anymore, description in script.
  5. log_file = what the logfile is called and where it's stored (default $dest"log.txt")
  6. autoupdate = if you want your paperclip.jar file to automatically update after paperclipupdateinterval days
  7. log = do you want to log all results to the $dest dir (default is "y")

Pushover variables

  1. pushtoken = Your pushover API key
  2. pushuser = Your pushover user key
  3. pushsubject = Subject of the push (Minecraft server alert)



Built With

  • BASH


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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Mike Buss for the super simple pushover function here