this is an uno multiplayer web application that can support theoretically infinite number of players at the same game so that you can enjoy the beauty of uno with your friends without leaving anyone behind
the game link:
- hosting and joining games
- unlimited number of players in the same game
- in game chat
- all the cards are supported with their special effects on the game
- score system
- the winner can have rematch with the same players after the game ends
- standard uno rules so no stacking or other non-standard rules are allowed
- the host can kick players
- Pure html and css
- Some parts of the game use ReactJS
- Pure vanilla javascript for the server rendering
- Nodejs/express as a web server
- to handle web sockets
- Mongodb/mongoose as database
- Typescript to add strong types to vanilla javascript
Well the latest update just made the game a piece of cake to figure out on your own, no need for these screenshots anymore :)
- implement house rules
- add realistic mode with limited number of cards which also will limit number of players in single game
- add challenge for the standard rules
- add the ability to save the game
offcourse you can help me by reporting bugs and issue so i can solve them as soon as possibe, or even suggest changes or rules that you would like to see
thanks to my friend ziad for helping me in the early tesing stages of the game