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Santiago Garcia Gil edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 4 revisions


We have 10 metrics available.

Metrics are grouped by a category to help you understand their purpose.

Function specific metrics

  • cyclomatic-complexity

The number of linearly-independent paths through a method.

  • halstead-volume

The method size, based on the numbers of operators and operands.

  • lines-of-code

The number of physical lines of code of a method, including blank lines and comments.

  • maintainability_index

The indicator which mean how maintainable the source code is.

  • maximum-nesting-level

The maximum nesting level of control structures within a method.

  • number_of_parameters

The number of parameters received by a method.

  • source-lines-of-code

The approximate number of source code lines in a method, blank lines and comments are not counted.

Class specific metrics

  • number-of-methods

The number of methods of a class.

  • weight-of-class

The number of "functional" public methods divided by the total number of public members.

File specific metrics

  • technical_debt

The cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.