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Band Chain

Blockchain Platform for Decentralize Data Curation

C++17 Tendermint Apache-2.0

Band Chain is a decentralized, permissionless blockchain implementation based on Band Protocol for decentralised data curation. We incentivise trusted, high-quality data sharing in online community via token staking and bonding curve mechanism. See for more info.

Running with Docker

Getting the containers up and running

The most convenient way to run Band Chain is to use Docker. Under docker directory, you'll find the docker-compose.yaml file which defines the two containers needed to run the blockchain. Make sure you have Docker installed, then run:

$> cd docker
$> docker-compose up -d

The -d tag signals docker-compose to run the containers in detached mode. This allows us to observe the logs from both bandchain and tendermint container individually.

Note that you can change ubuntu's apt-get mirror by changing the country_code in the docker-compose.yaml file

Attaching to the containers

At this point the containers should be up and running. To observe each container, simply attach to it by using the command:

$> docker attach bandchain
   # OR
$> docker attach tendermint

To detach yourself back, use Ctrl+P Ctrl+Q key combination.

Stopping the containers

Under docker directory, run:

$> docker-compose down

Running on Local Machine

Installing Dependencies

To build locally, Band Chain requires the following dependencies. Be sure to have them available in your local system (versions as listed in CMakeLists.txt).

Installing RocksDB

  • OS X:

    • Install via homebrew.
    • run brew install rocksdb
  • Linux - Ubuntu

    • Install Dependencies
      apt-get update
      apt-get -y install build-essential libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev
    • Install rocksdb by source code:
      git clone
      cd rocksdb & make shared_lib && make install-shared

Building the Source Code

Starting off, you'll have to configure ProtoBuff and cmake by running:

$> protoc --cpp_out=. abci/abci.proto
$> mkdir build
$> cd build
$> cmake ..

Then to compile, under the same build directory, run:

$> make

Running the node

To run the node, make sure you have Tendermint v0.22.3 on your machine, then start it with:

$> tendermint init # First time only
$> tendermint node

Note that you need to keep the Tendermint session running at all time. tmux and similar tools are handy for this purpose.

Then we can run the core Band Chain logic via:

$> cd build
$> ./band -v

Basic Usage

Typically all the commands to Band Chain are sent through Tendermint ABCI, which is exposed on http://localhost:26657.

The transactions need to be generated in a specific way. Please check out the 🛠️ Official Python Client and 🛠️ Official Javascript Client to start interacting with the blockchain.


Band Protocol is released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information or see