Koperator v0.25.0
This release fixes several bug and introduce a couple of new features:
New features:
- Adding Affinity for Cruise Control deployment (#962 and #963) (@shubhamcoc)
- Add option to provide API Group for customizable PKI (#966) (@shubhamcoc)
- Adding certificate validity duration in Kafka user (#979 and #980) (@shubhamcoc)
- Allow users to use well-known ports for client connections to both ingress controllers (#997 and #998) (@panyuenlau)
Bug Fixes:
- Re-creation of CC metrics topic (#976) (@bartam1)
- Handle the case when the request to CC /state endpoint returns the async task instead of the result (#974 and #975) (@aguzovatii)
- Fixing Delete acl functionality (#984) (@shubhamcoc)
- Adding test cases for kafka user issuerRef group (#967) (@shubhamcoc)
- Update go-cruise-control to 0.6.0 (#969) (@bartam1)
- Using gomock to mock sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client If (#973) (@bartam1)
- Update cert-manager dependency libraries to 1.11.2 (#981) (@mihaialexandrescu)
- Updated default zookeeper name to zookeeper-server (#1000) (@Kuvesz)
- E2E tests (#987, #991, #998, and #1004) (@bartam1, @Kuvesz,and @pregnor) 🔥
Thanks for the huge help from the community 🍺