first, then installyarn
withnpm i -g yarn
, do NOT install it withbrew
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Add a config/prod.secret.exs
file and put your very secret configs in there:
use Mix.Config
config :barcamp, BarcampWeb.Endpoint,
secret_key_base: "__SECRET_KEY__"
config :barcamp, Barcamp.Repo,
username: "__DB_USER__",
password: "__DB_PASSWORD__",
database: "barcamp_prod",
hostname: "localhost",
pool_size: 10
You may use mix phx.gen.secret
to generate a secret key.
Replace the CA in priv/cert/barcamp_key.pem
and priv/cert/barcamp.pem
with your public CA.
Build everything:
mix deps.get --only prod
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
yarn --cwd assets install && yarn --cwd assets deploy
mix phx.digest
MIX_ENV=prod mix do ecto.create, release
See it in action:
mkdir deploy_here
cp _build/prod/rel/barcamp/releases/0.1.0/barcamp.tar.gz deploy_here/
cd deploy_here
tar xvf barcamp.tar.gz
PORT=4001 ./bin/barcamp start
./bin/barcamp migrate
./bin/barcamp create_user login password0!
Then navigate to localhost:4001
Note: You do not need to have erlang or elixir where you are deploying a release.
Bump the version:
def project do
version: "0.1.1", # Bump the version here
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --upgrade
cp _build/prod/rel/barcamp/releases/0.1.1/barcamp.tar.gz deploy_here/releases/0.1.1/
./deploy_here/bin/barcamp upgrade 0.1.1