If you have cloned this repo for playing around with this from github (hi there! 👋), you can run this project as follows:
git checkout free-images
yarn dev
The master
branch is set up to run with FontAwesomePro, Auth0 and other services. Since your public clone may not want this setup, use the above to run the website without these other dependencies.
- If now.sh changes their process to allow a non-default auto-push, I'll change this so the default is buildable. Suggestion are welcome! :)
If you want to use these other services or want to learn more, please read on!
Phase 10 Scorer is a simple scoring app for the Phase 10 Card Game, demonstrating several recent libraries revolving around modern JS libraries.
- Note that this game scorer allows the winner to win their phases in any order - unlike the original rules where you must win the game in direct order.
The app is in active development and showcases several modern tech features around the React ecosystem and OSS in general.
- React 16.8+ Hooks
- Basics: useState, useEffect, useCallback, useMemo
- Advanced: useImperativeHandle (for reaching into a forward ref component)
- All non-nextjs-specific components are functional components.
- All hooks are fully eslint'ed - ensuring all exhaustive-deps is sorted out is tricky yet very helpful, especially for animated components!
- NextJS (Server-Side Rendering)
- Somewhat magical platform - I had written this in create-react-app starting out, then used to implement SSR with great success
- At present only localStorage is used for storing state, but this will change in the near future!
- Now
- Serverless free hosting!
- Major tip: Use
now dev
to run full now serverless in test mode
- Emotion
- Excellent css-in-js library. Well documented, extremely performant
- React-spring
- Robust animation library. This app currently uses their latest beta version
- React Hook Form
- Convenient and simple hook-based form library - a great help to simplify usage of forms while still staying in a hook-based component.
- Font Awesome 5
- This may currently cause problems if you don't have a Font Awesome Pro license. Feel free to reach out if this causes you an issue.
- IMPORTANT If you don't have a pro license, please checkout and use the free-images folder
- Auth0
- Auth0 is a free-to-try IAAS platform for solid plug-and-play authentication integration. If you pay for the full service, you'll get a huge amount of functionality that integrates with almost any auth provider. You can do this yourself, but be ready for a lot of costly effort - good auth is not easy!
- This app uses the free tier for simplified authentication, they give a minimal database setup to store the basic info of your users, and then you can store the important stuff in your app's data store
- Cypress
- Easily the best e2e JavaScript platform avaialble today. Took a little extra work to get it working with Next (sans Now) but this project can now be built with TypeScript-developed tests including support for Code Coverage (thank you
- Easily the best e2e JavaScript platform avaialble today. Took a little extra work to get it working with Next (sans Now) but this project can now be built with TypeScript-developed tests including support for Code Coverage (thank you
- Github Actions
- The new continuous integration platform integrated with Github. Extremely powerful, easy to integrate with.
- TailwindCss
- Utility-classes for Css - Combined with Emotion and the Twin.Macro utility library (as well as VSCode Extension support), it saves a huge amount of time and effort!
And last but definitely not least, TypeScript all around!
Create two files: .env and .env.build in the root folder to be used as environment variable stores
You can copy the following directly in, per file
- If you're building for now.sh These same variables should be set to secrets on now.sh
- FA_PRO_AUTH should be set to a secret on Github if using Github Actions
At this point you should be able to run yarn dev
This will run now dev
to run a localhost dev instance of the now.sh framework.
If you want to build for Auth0 integration, create a free account on auth0.com and change the variables in .env as follows:
- If you don't use Auth0, the app will always default to localhost usage
If you're using Font Awesome Pro, set a environment variable FA_PRO_AUTH with your key.
Alternatively, set the FA_PRO_AUTH in .env.build and then run the following.
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) && yarn install
to set up your build environment
(Improvement ideas to this are welcome!)
The project is currently dependent on now for deployment, and that's where it's set is easiest (using now.json), but currently 'now dev' does not work well with Cypress on CI (Continuous Integration) by default, due to now dev's automatic HMR internals.
Therefore there are two flavors on which the build is done
The yarn dev
and yarn publish
targets both simply depend on the now.sh infrastructure and functionality, using the now.json
file for primary configuration. Neither are currently useful in terms of testing/Cypress.
The build targets yarn dev-ci
and (by proxy) yarn e2e
are build using the following:
- For Primary UI:
on the root folder (now does the same) - For Auth0 login server-login integration
The script ./scripts/next-server-startup.ts
is run by dev-ci in order to start the UI server AND create a reverse proxy so that localhost:3000 also hosts the endpoints from the Auth0 login server
- FYI - Now.sh essentially does the same thing without the need fo the reverse proxy hook. This step is primarily to ensure we can run cypress on CI.
(dev-ci and e2e also leverage the very convenient concurrently and start-server-and-test package to ensure easy cancelling of active jobs when errors occur)
The e2e
target is set to run dev-ci
and cy:run
for the CI execution of Cypress
- Some changes were needed to ensure full good TypeScript support here along with the excellent testing library @testing-library/cypress, part of the new @testing-library ecosystem. At the point of this writing, the 4.x version of the testing-library package works best, since the types haven't been updated to support the findBy* functions yet.
This project uses the currently beta Github Actions platform for Cloud-based CI, and it's really coming along in terms of easy to use! Check out .github/workflows/nodejs.yml
for the setup.
- Note that Github Actions automatically tries to build any new branches, so it really helps you check that you're stable as you evolve your project.
- On the master branch, we use Font Awesome Pro, hence the need for the FA_PRO_AUTH secret that you'll see in the nodejs.yml. If you're using the free-images branch, then the FA_PRO_AUTH is not used anywhere in the build process.
People and Libraries I've gotten help and/or ideas from, along with the many excellent OSS packages mentioned above:
- User robmadole from Font Awesome, who helped me confirm my expectations of how the npm system works.
- Pro Tip: If you ever find yourself needing .npmrc (in my case for Font Awesome Pro), avoid putting it in your home dir because it'll confuse you when you don't want it around
- https://github.com/bahmutov/next-and-cypress-example - Superb example of using cypress on top of nextjs, with support for nyc/istanbul for code coverage!
- Thanks to Gleb Bahmutov for additional pointers over mail!
- https://github.com/awb305/Auth0-Nextjs-Serverless - Great example of integrating auth0 into a serverless nextjs example
Any ideas or feedback please feel free to reach out!
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Barry May (barry4dev@outlook.com)