Red Hat Automation Platform & Microsoft Training tries to give a general overview about Red Hat Automation Platform focus on handle Microsoft solutions, covering the most important concepts and elements inside this automation platform.
A folder structure is provided in this repository in order to split laboratory content and improve the clarity of the training. The following folders have been included with a specific objective:
collections -> Red Hat Galaxy dependencies examples -> Some tasks examples created to bring ideas to the students playbooks -> Ansible automation resources which have to be used in order to implement the training lessons training -> Lessons structure which includes Red Hat Automation Platform's specific exercises
Training folder includes The following list includes a lessons summary:
- Lesson 1 - Prerequisites (Creating a GitHub account and testing Red Hat Automation Platform access)
- Lesson 2 - Credentials (Adding VMs credentials)
- Lesson 3 - Projects (Using GitHub repositories)
- Lesson 4 - Inventories (Synchronizing Azure Repositories)
- Lesson 5 - Job Templates (Creating Azure VMs)
- Lesson 6 - Workflow Templates (Implementing a production deployment use case in Azure)
- Lesson 7 - Job Templates (BONUS - Create a SQL Database)