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History / Home


  • Changed GameMaker:Studio -> GameMaker

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Aug 11, 2024
  • Small yet important change: it's not the rigidbody world of the project that gets exported but that of the current scene

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Nov 14, 2020
  • Updated hyperlinks

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Nov 14, 2020
  • Added note on warning message on <3 or >8 points on polygon shapes

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Apr 2, 2020
  • Added some more info on mesh and convex hull shapes

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Feb 17, 2020
  • Added note on conversion of convex hull shape to mesh shape

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Feb 17, 2020
  • Added documentation on generation of convex hull collision shape

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Feb 17, 2020
  • Slight addition about constraints

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Nov 15, 2019
  • Added a bit on world info, added a couple of screenshots

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Oct 4, 2019
  • Moved content from readme to wiki and added new information

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Oct 4, 2019
  • Initial Home page

    @bartteunis bartteunis committed Aug 28, 2019