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File metadata and controls

334 lines (203 loc) · 7.36 KB

MongoDB Documentation

In my MongoDB documentation, I am practicing various operations and commands to interact with a MongoDB database named "school." Here's a breakdown of the context for each section of my documentation


  • Connection string: mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username mayur


  • Show available databases: show dbs
  • Switch to the "school" database: use school
  • Create a collection named "students": db.createCollection("students")
  • Drop the "school" database: db.dropDatabase()


  • Insert a single document:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.insertOne({name: "Mayur Khadde", age: 30, gpa: 3.2})
  • Insert multiple documents:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.insertMany([
      {name: "Patrick", age: 38, gpa: 1.5},
      {name: "Sandy", age: 27, gpa: 4.0},
      {name: "Gary", age: 18, gpa: 2.5}
  • Insert a complex document:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.insertOne({
      name: "Larry 123",
      age: 32,
      gpa: 2.8,
      fullTime: true,
      registerDate: new Date("2023-01-02"),
      gradutionDate: null,
      courses: ["Biology", "Chemistry", "Calculus"],
      address: {
        Street: "123 Fake St.",
        city: "Bikini Bottom",
        zip: 12345


  • Find all students, sorted by name in descending order:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find().sort({name: -1})
  • Find all students, sorted by GPA in ascending order:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find().sort({gpa: 1})
  • Find the first student:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find().limit(1)
  • Find the student with the highest GPA:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find().sort({gpa: -1}).limit(1)
  • Find a student by name:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({name: "Mayur"})
  • Find full-time students:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({fullTime: true})
  • Find all students, displaying only their names:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({}, {name: true})
  • Find all students, excluding the _id field, and displaying only their names:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({}, {_id: false, name: true})


  • Update "Gary" to be a full-time student:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.updateOne({ name: "Gary" }, { $set: { fullTime: true } })
  • Find "Gary" to confirm the update:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({name: "Gary"})
  • Update a document by its _id:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.updateOne({ _id: ObjectId("6547d516fa269bcad3447d35") }, { $set: { fullTime: false } })
  • Unset the "fullTime" field in a document:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.updateOne({ _id: ObjectId("6547d516fa269bcad3447d35") }, { $unset: { fullTime: "" } })
  • Update all students to be non-full-time:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.updateMany({}, { $set: { fullTime: false } })
  • Unset the "fullTime" field for a student named "Tushar":

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.updateOne({ name: "Tushar" }, { $unset: { fullTime: "" } })
  • Find the "Tushar" student to confirm the update:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: "Tushar" })
  • Update all students without a "fullTime" field to be full-time:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.updateMany({ fullTime: { $exists: false } }, { $set: { fullTime: true } })
  • Find the "Tushar" student again to confirm the update:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: "Tushar" })


  • Delete a single document by name:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.deleteOne({ name: "Tushar" })
  • Confirm that the "Tushar" student is deleted:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: "Tushar" })
  • Delete all non-full-time students:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.deleteMany({ fullTime: false })

Comparison Operator:

  • Find students with names other than "Mayur":

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: { $ne: "Mayur" } })
  • Find students with ages less than or equal to 30:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ age: { $lte: 30 } })
  • Find students with ages greater than or equal to 27:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ age: { $gte: 27 } })
  • Find students with GPAs between 3 and 4:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ gpa: { $gte: 3, $lte: 4 } })
  • Find students with names "Mayur" or "Gary":

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: { $in: ["Mayur", "Gary"] } })
  • Find students with names other than "Mayur" or "Gary":

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: { $nin: ["Mayur", "Gary"] } })

Logical Operator:

  • Find full-time students aged 22 or younger (AND condition):

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ $and: [{ fullTime: true }, { age: { $lte: 22 } }] })
  • Find students older than 30 (NOT condition):

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ age: { $not: { $gte: 30 } } })
  • Find non-full-time students or students aged 22 or younger (NOR condition):

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ $nor: [{ fullTime: true }, { age: { $lte: 22 } }] })
  • Find full-time students or students aged 22 or younger (OR condition):

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ $or: [{ fullTime: true }, { age: { $lte: 22 } }] })


  • Perform a linear search for a student named "Larry":

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: "Larry" }).explain("executionStats")
  • Create an index on the "name" field:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.createIndex({ name: 1 })
  • Perform the same search with the new index:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.find({ name: "Larry" }).explain("executionStats")
  • Get the list of indexes on the "students" collection:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.getIndexes()
  • Drop the "name" index:

    javascriptCopy codedb.students.dropIndex("name_1")


  • Show all collections in the current database:

    javascriptCopy codeshow collections
  • Create a capped collection named "teacher" with specified options:

    javascriptCopy codedb.createCollection("teacher", { capped: true, size: 10000000, max: 100, autoIndexId: false })
  • Create a regular collection named "courses":

    javascriptCopy codedb.createCollection("courses")
  • Drop the "courses" collection:


Remember to keep your documentation up to date and organized for easy reference in the future.