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/* instafeed.js | v2.0.0-rc3 | https://github.com/stevenschobert/instafeed.js | License: MIT */
!function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).Instafeed = t() }(this, function () { "use strict"; function e(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(t) } function t(t) { e(!t || "object" == typeof t, "options must be an object, got " + t + " (" + typeof t + ")"); var o = { accessToken: null, accessTokenTimeout: 1e4, after: null, apiTimeout: 1e4, apiLimit: null, before: null, debug: !1, error: null, filter: null, limit: null, mock: !1, render: null, sort: null, success: null, target: "instafeed", template: '<a href="{{link}}"><img title="{{caption}}" src="{{image}}" /></a>', templateBoundaries: ["{{", "}}"], transform: null }; if (t) for (var n in o) "undefined" != typeof t[n] && (o[n] = t[n]); e("string" == typeof o.target || "object" == typeof o.target, "target must be a string or DOM node, got " + o.target + " (" + typeof o.target + ")"), e("string" == typeof o.accessToken || "function" == typeof o.accessToken, "accessToken must be a string or function, got " + o.accessToken + " (" + typeof o.accessToken + ")"), e("number" == typeof o.accessTokenTimeout, "accessTokenTimeout must be a number, got " + o.accessTokenTimeout + " (" + typeof o.accessTokenTimeout + ")"), e("number" == typeof o.apiTimeout, "apiTimeout must be a number, got " + o.apiTimeout + " (" + typeof o.apiTimeout + ")"), e("boolean" == typeof o.debug, "debug must be true or false, got " + o.debug + " (" + typeof o.debug + ")"), e("boolean" == typeof o.mock, "mock must be true or false, got " + o.mock + " (" + typeof o.mock + ")"), e("object" == typeof o.templateBoundaries && 2 === o.templateBoundaries.length && "string" == typeof o.templateBoundaries[0] && "string" == typeof o.templateBoundaries[1], "templateBoundaries must be an array of 2 strings, got " + o.templateBoundaries + " (" + typeof o.templateBoundaries + ")"), e(!o.template || "string" == typeof o.template, "template must null or string, got " + o.template + " (" + typeof o.template + ")"), e(!o.error || "function" == typeof o.error, "error must be null or function, got " + o.error + " (" + typeof o.error + ")"), e(!o.before || "function" == typeof o.before, "before must be null or function, got " + o.before + " (" + typeof o.before + ")"), e(!o.after || "function" == typeof o.after, "after must be null or function, got " + o.after + " (" + typeof o.after + ")"), e(!o.success || "function" == typeof o.success, "success must be null or function, got " + o.success + " (" + typeof o.success + ")"), e(!o.filter || "function" == typeof o.filter, "filter must be null or function, got " + o.filter + " (" + typeof o.filter + ")"), e(!o.transform || "function" == typeof o.transform, "transform must be null or function, got " + o.transform + " (" + typeof o.transform + ")"), e(!o.sort || "function" == typeof o.sort, "sort must be null or function, got " + o.sort + " (" + typeof o.sort + ")"), e(!o.render || "function" == typeof o.render, "render must be null or function, got " + o.render + " (" + typeof o.render + ")"), e(!o.limit || "number" == typeof o.limit, "limit must be null or number, got " + o.limit + " (" + typeof o.limit + ")"), e(!o.apiLimit || "number" == typeof o.apiLimit, "apiLimit must null or number, got " + o.apiLimit + " (" + typeof o.apiLimit + ")"), this._state = { running: !1, node: null, token: null, paging: null, pool: [] }, this._options = o } return t.prototype.run = function () { var e = this; return this._debug("run", "options", this._options), this._debug("run", "state", this._state), this._state.running ? (this._debug("run", "already running, skipping"), !1) : (this._start(), this._debug("run", "getting dom node"), "string" == typeof this._options.target ? this._state.node = document.getElementById(this._options.target) : this._state.node = this._options.target, this._state.node ? (this._debug("run", "got dom node", this._state.node), this._debug("run", "getting access token"), this._getAccessToken(function (t, o) { if (t) return e._debug("onTokenReceived", "error", t), void e._fail(new Error("error getting access token: " + t.message)); e._debug("onTokenReceived", "got token", o), e._state.token = o, e._showNext(function (t) { if (t) return e._debug("onNextShown", "error", t), void e._fail(t); e._finish() }) }), !0) : (this._fail(new Error("no element found with ID " + this._options.target)), !1)) }, t.prototype.hasNext = function () { var e = this._state.paging, t = this._state.pool; return this._debug("hasNext", "paging", e), this._debug("hasNext", "pool", t.length, t), t.length > 0 || e && "string" == typeof e.next }, t.prototype.next = function () { var e = this; return e.hasNext() ? e._state.running ? (e._debug("next", "already running, skipping"), !1) : (e._start(), void e._showNext(function (t) { if (t) return e._debug("onNextShown", "error", t), void e._fail(t); e._finish() })) : (e._debug("next", "hasNext is false, skipping"), !1) }, t.prototype._showNext = function (e) { var t = this, o = null, n = null, i = "number" == typeof this._options.limit; if (t._debug("showNext", "pool", t._state.pool.length, t._state.pool), t._state.pool.length > 0) { if (n = i ? t._state.pool.splice(0, t._options.limit) : t._state.pool.splice(0), t._debug("showNext", "items from pool", n.length, n), t._debug("showNext", "updated pool", t._state.pool.length, t._state.pool), t._options.mock) t._debug("showNext", "mock enabled, skipping render"); else try { t._renderData(n) } catch (s) { return void e(s) } e(null) } else t._state.paging && "string" == typeof t._state.paging.next ? o = t._state.paging.next : (o = "https://graph.instagram.com/me/media?fields=caption,id,media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url,timestamp,username&access_token=" + t._state.token, t._options.apiLimit || "number" != typeof t._options.limit ? "number" == typeof t._options.apiLimit && (t._debug("showNext", "apiLimit set, overriding limit", t._options.apiLimit, t._options.limit), o = o + "&limit=" + t._options.apiLimit) : (t._debug("showNext", "no apiLimit set, falling back to limit", t._options.apiLimit, t._options.limit), o = o + "&limit=" + t._options.limit)), t._debug("showNext", "making request", o), t._makeApiRequest(o, function (o, n) { var i = null; if (o) return t._debug("onResponseReceived", "error", o), void e(new Error("api request error: " + o.message)); t._debug("onResponseReceived", "data", n), t._success(n), t._debug("onResponseReceived", "setting paging", n.paging), t._state.paging = n.paging; try { if (i = t._processData(n), t._debug("onResponseReceived", "processed data", i), i.unused && i.unused.length > 0) { t._debug("onResponseReceived", "saving unused to pool", i.unused.length, i.unused); for (var r = 0; r < i.unused.length; r++)t._state.pool.push(i.unused[r]) } } catch (a) { return void e(a) } if (t._options.mock) t._debug("onResponseReceived", "mock enabled, skipping append"); else try { t._renderData(i.items) } catch (s) { return void e(s) } e(null) }) }, t.prototype._processData = function (e) { var t = "function" == typeof this._options.transform, o = "function" == typeof this._options.filter, n = "function" == typeof this._options.sort, i = "number" == typeof this._options.limit, s = [], r = null, a = null, u = null, l = null, p = null; if (this._debug("processData", "hasFilter", o, "hasTransform", t, "hasSort", n, "hasLimit", i), "object" != typeof e || "object" != typeof e.data || e.data.length <= 0) return null; for (var c = 0; c < e.data.length; c++) { if (a = this._getItemData(e.data[c]), t) try { u = this._options.transform(a), this._debug("processData", "transformed item", a, u) } catch (f) { throw this._debug("processData", "error calling transform", f), new Error("error in transform: " + f.message) } else u = a; if (o) { try { l = this._options.filter(u), this._debug("processData", "filter item result", u, l) } catch (f) { throw this._debug("processData", "error calling filter", f), new Error("error in filter: " + f.message) } l && s.push(u) } else s.push(u) } if (n) try { s.sort(this._options.sort) } catch (f) { throw this._debug("processData", "error calling sort", f), new Error("error in sort: " + f.message) } return i && (r = s.length - this._options.limit, this._debug("processData", "checking limit", s.length, this._options.limit, r), r > 0 && (p = s.slice(s.length - r), this._debug("processData", "unusedItems", p.length, p), s.splice(s.length - r, r))), { items: s, unused: p } }, t.prototype._extractTags = function (e) { var t = /#([^\s]+)/gi, o = /[~`!@#$%^&*\(\)\-\+={}\[\]:;"'<>\?,\./|\\\s]+/i, n = [], i = null; if ("string" == typeof e) for (; null !== (i = t.exec(e));)!1 === o.test(i[1]) && n.push(i[1]); return n }, t.prototype._getItemData = function (e) { var t = null, o = null; switch (e.media_type) { case "IMAGE": t = "image", o = e.media_url; break; case "VIDEO": t = "video", o = e.thumbnail_url; break; case "CAROUSEL_ALBUM": t = "album", o = e.media_url }return { caption: e.caption, tags: this._extractTags(e.caption), id: e.id, image: o, link: e.permalink, model: e, timestamp: e.timestamp, type: t, username: e.username } }, t.prototype._renderData = function (e) { var t = "string" == typeof this._options.template, o = "function" == typeof this._options.render, n = null, i = null, s = null, r = ""; if (this._debug("renderData", "hasTemplate", t, "hasRender", o), !("object" != typeof e || e.length <= 0)) { for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) { if (n = e[a], o) try { i = this._options.render(n, this._options), this._debug("renderData", "custom render result", n, i) } catch (u) { throw this._debug("renderData", "error calling render", u), new Error("error in render: " + u.message) } else t && (i = this._basicRender(n)); i ? r += i : this._debug("renderData", "render item did not return any content", n) } for (this._debug("renderData", "html content", r), (s = document.createElement("div")).innerHTML = r, this._debug("renderData", "container", s, s.childNodes.length, s.childNodes); s.childNodes.length > 0;)this._debug("renderData", "appending child", s.childNodes[0]), this._state.node.appendChild(s.childNodes[0]) } }, t.prototype._basicRender = function (e) { for (var t = new RegExp(this._options.templateBoundaries[0] + "([\\s\\w.]+)" + this._options.templateBoundaries[1], "gm"), o = this._options.template, n = null, i = "", s = 0, r = null, a = null; null !== (n = t.exec(o));)r = n[1], i += o.slice(s, n.index), (a = this._valueForKeyPath(r, e)) && (i += a.toString()), s = t.lastIndex; return s < o.length && (i += o.slice(s, o.length)), i }, t.prototype._valueForKeyPath = function (e, t) { for (var o = /([\w]+)/gm, n = null, i = t; null !== (n = o.exec(e));) { if ("object" != typeof i) return null; i = i[n[1]] } return i }, t.prototype._fail = function (e) { !this._runHook("error", e) && console && "function" == typeof console.error && console.error(e), this._state.running = !1 }, t.prototype._start = function () { this._state.running = !0, this._runHook("before") }, t.prototype._finish = function () { this._runHook("after"), this._state.running = !1 }, t.prototype._success = function (e) { this._runHook("success", e), this._state.running = !1 }, t.prototype._makeApiRequest = function (e, t) { var o = !1, n = this, i = null, s = function (e, n) { o || (o = !0, t(e, n)) }; (i = new XMLHttpRequest).ontimeout = function () { s(new Error("api request timed out")) }, i.onerror = function () { s(new Error("api connection error")) }, i.onload = function (e) { var t = i.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), o = null; if (n._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "loaded", e), n._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "response status", i.status), n._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "response content type", t), t.indexOf("application/json") >= 0) try { o = JSON.parse(i.responseText) } catch (r) { return n._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "json parsing error", r, i.responseText), void s(new Error("error parsing response json")) } 200 === i.status ? s(null, o) : o && o.error ? s(new Error(o.error.code + " " + o.error.message)) : s(new Error("status code " + i.status)) }, i.open("GET", e, !0), i.timeout = this._options.apiTimeout, i.send() }, t.prototype._getAccessToken = function (e) { var t = !1, o = this, n = null, i = function (o, i) { t || (t = !0, clearTimeout(n), e(o, i)) }; if ("function" == typeof this._options.accessToken) { this._debug("getAccessToken", "calling accessToken as function"), n = setTimeout(function () { o._debug("getAccessToken", "timeout check", t), i(new Error("accessToken timed out"), null) }, this._options.accessTokenTimeout); try { this._options.accessToken(function (e, n) { o._debug("getAccessToken", "received accessToken callback", t, e, n), i(e, n) }) } catch (s) { this._debug("getAccessToken", "error invoking the accessToken as function", s), i(s, null) } } else this._debug("getAccessToken", "treating accessToken as static", typeof this._options.accessToken), i(null, this._options.accessToken) }, t.prototype._debug = function () { var e = null; this._options.debug && console && "function" == typeof console.log && ((e = [].slice.call(arguments))[0] = "[Instafeed] [" + e[0] + "]", console.log.apply(null, e)) }, t.prototype._runHook = function (e, t) { var o = !1; if ("function" == typeof this._options[e]) try { this._options[e](t), o = !0 } catch (n) { this._debug("runHook", "error calling hook", e, n) } return o }, t });
//# sourceMappingURL=instafeed.min.map