A quick Python program that I wrote to list all public Trello boards given a file containing Trello usernames one-per-line. You should get a Trello API key and token and pip install -r requirements.txt
in order to follow along. You can pass your API key and token at the command line or set them in your environment variables:
export TRELLO_API_KEY=yourtrelloapikey
export TRELLO_API_TOKEN=yourtrelloapitoken
This has been tested with Python 3.7.
You will need a Trello API key and token.
- Log in to Trello
- Go to https://trello.com/app-key
- Follow the prompts
- Record the key and token
Put the usernames that you care about in a file in this directory called trello-usernames.txt
Run python3 main.py --api_key YOUR_API_KEY --api_token YOUR_API_TOKEN
Run python3 main.py --api_key YOUR_API_KEY --api_token YOUR_API_TOKEN --usernames /path/to/usernames
if you have the usernames elsewhere.
Run python3 main.py --help
to see the help information.