This repository represents the final project as part of the API course in Meta's Back-End Developer Professional Certificate. It uses Django to interact with a sqlite database.
In the app LittleLemonAPI there is a fixtures directory that contains data for pre-populating the database tables. These data can be added to the database by running commands like the following:
>>> python loaddata groups.json
There is a users.json file, but the passwords are not correctly saved when running the loaddata command as they are not hashed when inserting.
The following files can be used to fill in the relevant data
So to load them run the following in a terminal
python loaddata category.json menuitem.json order.json orderitem.json cart.json
Tests are implemented to check that the code fullfills the grading rubric. These tests can be executed by running
>>> python test
and for testing a specific case (e.g., test_10) one can do
>>> python test LittleLemonAPI.tests.RubricTest.test_10
Here's a good resource for authenticating users when testing.
NOTE: There is an issue with test #5 in regards to logging in which requires further debugging.
Adding trailing slashes were removed in the file, but the djoser paths still end with them so there are some API inconsistencies.