Tools to access OpenAI API using various languages. From JS level API calls to standalone scripts
- Basic API treatment in JS (script and app)
- deploy (with an API key field)?
- JSON manipulations
- Bash scripting: inputs, curl, grep
- Bash curl script
- Powershell (windows) script
- Parametrize
- Powershell: Invoke and response manipulation, parametrization
- python script
- file manipulations in webApi and node.js?
Intermediate: Create a personal API key and charge it with tokens at ( and define it in relates scripts
- JS app: run html in any browser (access raw data via the source/console)
- Node.js:
node .\gipity_cli_completion_plus.js
- PowerShell:
./gipity_<variation>.ps1 -apiKey "sk-..." -Prompt "..."
- Bash:
./gipity_<variation>.sh "<prompt string>"