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Use Case Examples

Csaky edited this page Jul 12, 2023 · 3 revisions

Common COMS API use-cases

  • Users of your web application submitting documents to BC Government employees.
  • Uploading files and making them publicly available to download in a browser.
  • Sharing files between an authorized group of users.
  • Integration with BCBox allows users to find their files in our hosted user-interface.

API Usage Patterns

The following steps describe how a document management interface in your application could potentially leverage COMS:

Uploading a file

  1. User A logs in to your application via an OIDC Authentication realm; the user's JWT is stored in the browser's cache.
  2. The user fills in a web form on your website attaching a document from their computer (a common user experience).
  3. When the user submits this web form, the client application sends a HTTP multipart/form-data POST to the Create Object endpoint (attaching the User A's JWT in an Authorization header).
  4. COMS will do the following
    • Inspect the JWT and create a user record in the COMS database
    • Pass the file to an S3 bucket
    • Grant all PERMISSIONS to that user

Sharing a file

  1. Client application can do the following:
    • Call the COMS User Search endpoint to return a list of matching users in the COMS database.
    • Call the Add Permission endpoint to grant a Government employee READ permission on the file.

Downloading a file

  1. User B logs in to the client application.
  2. Client application makes request to Read Object endpoint (with User B's JWT in an Authorization header)
    • COMS will verify User B using the JWT and look up permissions for the file in the COMS database
    • COMS will then respond with a redirect to a pre-signed url to the source object in the storage server or allow direct download via proxy

For full implementation details of the COMS API, visit the BCBox repository.