The BCER application includes 4 packages.
- Retailer App
- Data Portal App
- Shared Components
There is documentation in each package for how to build, run, and deploy them. This README includes more generalized documentation.
Created Aurora Serverless Postgres database in AWS RDS, provided connection information to ops team. see ./aurora_create_db.sql for script
Docker, from the app folder docker build -t bcer-api .
The API uses NestJS and TypeORM, which locally you can run where it uses a synchronize setting to keep your local database or containerized database in sync with entity changes.
The retailer application uses BCeID Keycloak for authentication.
The data portal application uses IDIR Keycloak for authentication.
The shared components are used for importing onto both the retailer application and the common portal. This package is developed and imported locally in the other frontend packages. However, after making changes to any shared components, npm run build
must be ran within the shared components package for the other packages to find the changes.
In order to create a new build of the application, you can use the package-app
make command. This will build and package the
- API (
) - Retailer app (
) - Data Portal (
and output them as tar.gz files in the dist
VERSION=<app_version> ENVIRONMENT=<development|staging|production> make package-build
# Example
VERSION=2.2.0 ENVIRONMENT=development make package-build
- Currently, we only deploy to on-prem servers. The documentation in each readme will reflect as such.
Run the following command at the root directory to prepare project for local development.
make setup-local
This command builds the shared component library and creates proper .env files for front end applications
Create a
file inpackages/bcer-api/app
folder and populate it with necessary values. The list of environment variable can be found below. -
Run the following command at the root directory to start all the applications.
make run-local
Note: Docker Desktop is required to use this command. This will spin up all the applications and they can be accessed on the following urls
- API - bcer-api:
- Retailer Application - bcer-retailer-app:
- Data Portal - bcer-data-portal:
- API - bcer-api:
Run the following command at the root directory to prepare project for test environment.
make setup-test
Run the following to start the applications in test mode
make run-test
Once the application is running, run one of the following commands
npm run test:open
This will open the cypress interactive window where each test can be run individually and actual behavior can be monitored
npm run test:run
This will run the tests without interactive window and the results will be printed on the screen.
Tests are setup to run in a sequential order.
CLOSE_LOCATION_CRON_TIME= <Cron expression when the location without valid NOI will be closed, (default: `0 1 16 1 *`)>
CRON_JOB_NAMES= <List of cron job names as csv, included cron jobs will be enabled>
# Map
GA_KEY= <Google location api key, must be provided or application won't start, use any string to prevent app from crushing>
BC_DIRECTION_API_KEY= <BC direction api key, required>
MAP_BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN= <Map box access token, required>
MAP_BOX_TILE_LAYER= <Map box tile layer, required>
MAP_BOX_ATTRIBUTION= <Map box attribution, required>
MAP_BOX_ID= <Map box id, required>
# Text Notification
ENABLE_TEXT_MESSAGES= <`true` to enable text messaging functionality>
ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTION= <`true` to enable subscription to text messaging>
TEXT_API_KEY= <API key for text service, must be provided or application won't start, use any string to prevent app from crushing>
TEXT_GENERIC_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_ID= <text template id, required>
TEXT_REFERENCE= <text reference, (default: `abc123`)>
TEXT_API_PROXY= <text api proxy, deployment environments does not have access to text notification service directly, required>
TEXT_API_PROXY_PORT= <text api proxy port, required>
# Date Config
SALES_REPORT_END_DATE= <Sales report end in MM-DD format, (default: `01-15`)>
NOI_EXPIRY_DATE= <NOI expiry date in MM-DD format, (default: `10-01`)>
REPORTING_YEAR_START= <Reporting year start date in MM-DD format, (default: `10-01`)>
SALES_REPORT_START_DATE= <Sales period start date in MM-DD format, (default: `10-01`)>
NOI_VALID_TILL= <Date until NOI is considered valid, (default: `01-15`)>
CRON_TIME_ZONE= <Time zone for cron job time, (default: `America/Vancouver`)>
SEND_NOTIFICATION_CRON_TIME= <Cron expression: interval at will notification batch is sent, (default: */3 * * * *)>
NOTIFICATION_BATCH_SIZE= <Size of text notification batch, (default: 50)>