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index 3ab294f..6de6729 100644
--- a/autogen_docs/schemas/core-permit-schema.md
+++ b/autogen_docs/schemas/core-permit-schema.md
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# Core Permitting Schema
-*This reference data provides a standard set of attributes to be collected from all permitting systems both within and external to the natural resources ministries.*
+*This data specification provides a standard list of values for Natural Resource Sector core permitting data.*
## Properties
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index dbca903..718344f 100644
--- a/autogen_docs/schemas/housing-permit-schema.md
+++ b/autogen_docs/schemas/housing-permit-schema.md
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-# Housing Permit Schema
+# Housing Permitting Schema
-*This reference data provides a standard set of housing attributes to supplement the core permit schema.*
+*This data specification provides a standard list of values for Natural Resource Sector permitting data realted to housing attributes to supplement the core permit schema.*
## Properties
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--- a/autogen_docs/schemas/metadata-discovery-schema.md
+++ b/autogen_docs/schemas/metadata-discovery-schema.md
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-# Metadata Data Discovery Schema
+# Metadata Discovery Schema
-*This reference data provides a standard list of metadata values for data collected from different source systems.*
+*This data specitification provides a standard list of metadata values for data collected from different source systems.*
## Properties
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--- a/schemas/definitions/core-permit-schema.md
+++ /dev/null
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-# Core Permitting Schema
-*This data specification provides a standard list of values for Natural Resource Sector core permitting data.*
-## Properties
-- **`id`** *(string, format: uuid)*: Unique ID of the permit.
-- **`application_id`** *(string, format: uuid)*: Unique ID of the submitted application for a permit.
-- **`source_system`** *(string)*: Acronym for the source system providing the permit tracking. Must be one of: `["APTS", "CATS", "EPUPS; PPA", "FTA", "MOTI", "RARN", "RRS", "TANTALIS", "WILD", "WMA"]`.
-- **`source_system_id`** *(string, format: uuid)*: Unique ID of the permit in the source system.
-- **`project_id`** *(string, format: uuid)*: ID of the project this permit relates to.
-- **`agency`** *(string)*: Acronym for the agency or ministry issuing the permit. Must be one of: `["AF", "ENV", "FOR", "MOTI", "WLRS", "BCER"]`.
-- **`business`** *(string)*: Business domain, office or area responsible for the permit. Must be one of: `["Archaeology", "Contaminated Sites", "Lands", "Riparian", "Transportation", "Water"]`.
-- **`application_status`** *(string)*: Status of the application to obtain a permit. Must be one of: `["Issued", "Denied", "Pending", "In Review"]`.
-- **`permit_application_name`** *(string)*: The business domain permit type. Must be one of: `["Commercial General", "Nominal Rent Tenure", "Residential", "Roadways - Public", "Utilities", "New Groundwater Licence", "Water Licence", "Change Approval for Works in and About a Stream"]`.
-- **`permit_application_type`** *(['string', 'null'])*: The form type for a permit or licence application. Must be one of: `["New", "Amendment", "Cancel", "Change Ownership"]`.
-- **`received_date`** *(string, format: date-time)*: Date in which the application for permit was submitted.
-- **`accepted_date`** *(['string', 'null'], format: date-time)*: Date in which the review of the initial application's completeness concludes.
-- **`tech_review_completion_date`** *(['string', 'null'], format: date-time)*: Date in which the technical team concludes their review of the application.
-- **`rejected_date`** *(['string', 'null'], format: date-time)*: Date in which the permit is rejected.
-- **`adjudication_date`** *(['string', 'null'], format: date-time)*: Date in which the permit is adjudicated, approved or issued.
-- **`amendment_date`** *(['string', 'null'], format: date-time)*: Date in which the permit is amended.
-- **`fn_consultn_start_date`** *(['string', 'null'], format: date-time)*: Date in which the consultation with First Nations starts.
-- **`fn_consultn_completion_date`** *(['string', 'null'], format: date-time)*: Date in which the consultation with First Nations ends.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 718344f..0000000
--- a/schemas/definitions/housing-permit-schema.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Housing Permitting Schema
-*This data specification provides a standard list of values for Natural Resource Sector permitting data realted to housing attributes to supplement the core permit schema.*
-## Properties
-- **`housing_dwelling_type`** *(string)*: The type of dwelling units being developed, e.g, Single-family, Multi-family, Secondary Unit, Other (optional). Must be one of: `["Single-family", "Multi-family", "Secondary Unit", "Duplexes", "Apartments", "Condominiums", "Other"]`.
-- **`housing_dwelling_type_code`** *(['string', 'null'])*: The code for the type of dwelling units being developed, e.g, SFD, MFD, SU, O. Must be one of: `["SFD", "MFD", "SU"]`.
-- **`housing_dwelling_capacity_ranges`** *(['string', 'null'])*: The number of dwelling or units defined in ranges. Must be one of: `["1-9", "10-49", "50-500", ">500"]`.
-- **`housing_dwelling_capacity`** *(integer)*: The number of dwellings or units to be developed.
-- **`purpose_built_rental_ind`** *(string)*: Indicating whether the application corresponds to a purpose built residential unit, property, or dwelling that is available for long term rent by tenants, i.e., Y, N, U. Must be one of: `["Y", "N", "U"]`.
-- **`indigenous_led_ind`** *(string)*: A value indicating whether the application is led by Indigenous groups, i.e., Y, N, U. Must be one of: `["Y", "N", "U"]`.
-- **`social_housing_ind`** *(string)*: A value indicating whether the application's purpose pertains to Social Housing, i.e., Y, N, U. Must be one of: `["Y", "N", "U"]`.
diff --git a/schemas/definitions/metadata-discovery-schema.md b/schemas/definitions/metadata-discovery-schema.md
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--- a/schemas/definitions/metadata-discovery-schema.md
+++ /dev/null
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-# Metadata Discovery Schema
-*This data specitification provides a standard list of metadata values for data collected from different source systems.*
-## Properties
-- **`source_system`** *(string)*: Acronym for the source system providing the data, as it is defined in IRS.
-- **`agency`** *(string)*: Acronym for the agency or ministry that owns the dataset.
-- **`business`** *(string)*: Business domain or area responsible for the data.
-- **`data_custodian`**: Data custodian(s) of the dataset. Refer to *[#/$defs/users](#%24defs/users)*.
-- **`data_owner`**: Data owner(s) of the dataset. Refer to *[#/$defs/users](#%24defs/users)*.
-- **`data_specialist`**: Data specialist(s) of the dataset. Refer to *[#/$defs/users](#%24defs/users)*.
-- **`data_quality_metrics`** *(object)*: Quantified information pertaining to the quality of the data observed in the dataset.
- - **`accuracy`** *(number)*: Percentage of correct values in the dataset compared to the total number of values.
- - **`completeness`** *(number)*: Percentage of missing values in the dataset.
- - **`timeliness`** *(integer)*: Frequency at which data is updated or refreshed to reflect the most recent information, expressed in minutes.
- - **`duplication`** *(number)*: Percentage of duplicated records in the dataset.
-- **`description`** *(string)*: Description of the dataset.
-- **`security_classification`**: Security classification of the dataset. Refer to *[#/$defs/security_classification](#%24defs/security_classification)*.
-- **`technology`** *(object)*: Description of the underlying technology of the dataset.
- - **`name`** *(string, required)*: Name of the technology.
- - **`version`** *(string, required)*: Version of the technology.
-- **`tags`** *(array)*: Tags of the dataset, defined as key-value pairs.
- - **Items** *(object)*
- - **`key`** *(string, required)*
- - **`value`** *(string, required)*
-- **`categories`** *(array)*: Categories to define the dataset.
- - **Items** *(string)*
-- **`storage_descriptor`** *(array)*: Relational data storage description at a table granularity.
- - **Items** *(object)*
- - **`table_name`** *(string, required)*: Name of the table as it is defined in the source database.
- - **`schema_name`** *(string, required)*: Name of the schema as it is defined in the source database.
- - **`columns`** *(array, required)*: Relational data storage description at a column granularity. Length must be at least 1.
- - **Items** *(object)*
- - **`name`** *(string, required)*: Column name.
- - **`type`** *(string, required)*: Column data type.
- - **`precision`** *(string)*: Precision of the column (optional).
- - **`description`** *(string, required)*: Description of the column.
- - **`security_classification`**: Security classification of the column. Refer to *[#/$defs/security_classification](#%24defs/security_classification)*.
- - **`nullable`** *(boolean, required)*: Flag to indicate if the column is nullable.
-- **`column_mapping`** *(object)*: Object mapping source system columns as defined in the storage_descriptor to those of the MVD. Each key should have the form 'schema_name.table_name.column'.
-- **`extraction_query`** *(string)*: Extraction query used to retrieve target data from the source system.
-- **`flowchart`** *(object)*: Graph representation of the flowchart.
- - **`root`** *(integer, required)*: Zero indexed root node of the flowchart. Minimum: `0`.
- - **`nodes`** *(array, required)*: Nodes of the flowchart.
- - **Items** *(string)*: Textual information to display inside each node.
- - **`edges`** *(array, required)*: Representation of each edge in the flowchart, including direction and textual information to display.
- - **Items** *(object)*: Representation of a single edge in the flowchart.
- - **`origin_node`** *(number, required)*: Index of the origin node of the edge in the flowchart, zero-indexed.
- - **`destination_node`** *(number, required)*: Index of the destination node of the edge in the flowchart, zero-indexed.
- - **`text`** *(string, required)*: Textual information to display on the edge of the flowchart.
-## Definitions
-- **`users`** *(array)*
- - **Items** *(object)*
- - **`name`** *(string, required)*: Name of the user.
- - **`email`** *(string, format: email, required)*: Email of the user.
-- **`security_classification`** *(string)*: Must be one of: `["Protected A", "Protected B", "Protected C"]`.