This is a comprehensive setup guide that will allow you to make changes and redeploy seamlessly, enabling you to do things like...
- Redeploy in seconds
- Enable / Disable functionalities
- Contribute to the project and make pull requests!
Following these steps to set up your environment will give you maximum control and flexibility.
All instructions assume macOS, that you have Homebrew and git
and tries not to assume anything else. Let me know if I overlooked anything or
if you run into any troubles getting set up using these instructions.
Before diving into the specifics, let's take a look at the project architecture...
We will be using a few third party tools, some of which will require admin privileges.
- Amazon Web Services
- Atlassian Forge
- Jira
- Github
- Tableau Server / Tableau Online
This project can run entirely within free tier AWS service quotas. Atlassian offers a free trial of their Jira software, however, this project is best suited for an enterprise Jira deployment.
Following the steps below will give you access to all the credentials that you will need for this project. If you have some of these accounts and are not sure if you have all the credentials, you can view the .env.example for a full list of the credentials you will need.
If you are not familiar with environment variables,
hidden files like .env
and the Python dotenv
package, you can visit
this document
for a crash course.
Create a copy of the .env.example and name it .env
You will be replacing the sample values with your credentials and desired variable names as you complete the next steps.
• Make account or log in
• Make account or log in
- Make account or log in
- Generate a Personal Access Token
- Add your Tableau environment variables to
$ git clone
Install the Python version manager pyenv
$ brew install pyenv
$ brew install pyenv-virtualenv
Download the Python version used in this project.
$ pyenv install 3.8.10
$ pyvenv local 3.8.10
Create a virtual environment for this project using that Python version.
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.8.10 diligence-doer
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements-cli.txt
Install the build dependencies to your virtual environment (mainly AWS CLI)
$ cd backend && pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Install the NodeJS version manager nvm
from source...
$ curl -o- | bash
Restart your shell so the path changes take effect...
$ exec $SHELL
You will then need to install and configure the AWS CLI with your credentials
$ aws configure
- Make account or log in
- Look at .env.example to get a preview of the credentials you will be producing
- The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.
- Useful commands:
$ npm run build
compile typescript to js$ npm run watch
watch for changes and compile$ npm run test
perform the jest unit tests$ cdk deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region$ cdk diff
compare deployed stack with current state$ cdk synth
emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
- Make account or log in
- Visit Atlassian Website
- Download Docker
- Visit Docker's website and download the Docker.dmg
- Install & Run Docker.dmg
- Make sure the Docker whale is running in the system bar
- Install Forge on MacOS
$ nvm install --lts=Erbium
$ nvm use --lts=Erbium
- Install the Forge CLI
$ npm install -g @forge/cli
- Hello World App in Jira
- Here is a quick video I took after getting the Hello World app up and running.
- Here are some of the commands you will use after installing the CLI
$ forge login
$ forge create
$ forge deploy
$ forge install
$ forge tunnel
When making changes to the Jira app's manifest.yml file, you will need to redeploy and reinstall the app to Jira...
$ forge deploy
$ forge install --upgrade
When making changes to the UI of the app as it appears in Jira, which would be done in index.jsx file, you only need to redeploy to Jira...
$ forge deploy
When making changes to AWS Lambda functions, such as any changes to the files in the backend/lambda directory, you will need to redeploy for remote execution...
$ cdk deploy --profile {YOUR_AWS_PROFILE}
See the Use Case Specific Caveats
section in the file for the majority of troubleshooting issues.
Beyond those caveats, make sure that you set your environment variables as outlined here and at that they are available to the AWS Lambda execution environment.
I hope this guide was helpful! Shoot me a message if you have any questions or would like to learn more.