This plugin for YOURLS allows the use of Google OAuth login to filteraccess based on domain (i.e. only addresses)
- Install the plugin in user/plugins in a folder called google-auth
- Download and configure Google APIs Client Library for PHP in includes/vendor/. See for install instructions.
- Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID. Download the resulting JSON file and save it in the google-auth/ plugin directory with the name client_secrets.json
- Define an array of allowed domains in user/config called domainlimit_list. For example,
$domainlimit_list = array( '', '' );
- Add 'define('APPROVED_DOMAIN', "");' to user/config.php with the desired Google login domain. Optionally, allow anyone with a Google account to get in by setting the domain to '*'. For example, 'define('APPROVED_DOMAIN', "*");'
- Optionally defined a list of usernames that are exempt from this restriction. For example,
domainlimit_exempt_users = array( 'bobadmin' );
- Activate the plugin with the plugin manager in the admin interface.
Based on plugin by 8thwall