Team number: xohw21-211
Project name: FLOW - WFA on FPGA
src: contains source files
dataset: contains an example of input file supported by our implementation
original_sw: contains files of the original software version of the WFA algorithm
bitstream: contains .xclbin files
Since we integrated the original software inside the host, it is fundamental to build the application:
$> cd original_sw
$> make
$> cd ..
Firstly, run the following command to build the host:
$> make host
Then, run the following commands to run everything on FPGA:
- if you want to align randomly generated inputs, run:
$> ./host bitstream/wfa.xclbin
- if you want to align inputs given from a file, run:
$> ./host bitstream/wfa.xclbin datasets/sample.dataset.seq