Technologies: Python, Flask, BeautifulSoup, PostgreSQL, Javascript, React, MapBoxGL
This web app documents and reports late Seattle Public School buses. I was inspired to work on this project by the understanding that student achievement is negatively affected by tardiness. I started this project in Jupyter notebooks while teaching high school data science.
The software builds a database of daily late buses with key information such as school, route, minutes late, and date. This information is available publicly on a per-day basis, but no historical database or public APIs exist. The project uses a Flask app to scrape the Seattle Schools webpage, parse it using regex, and post the data to PostgreSQL. The post request is triggered from a cron job on and the back-end service is deployed to Heroku. The front-end web application is React with MapBoxGL and is deployed to GitHub pages.
To establish a proof-of-concept I created a notebook in Deepnote. The Deepnote platform provides a scheduler for running the notebook and a dashboard for publishing the data and maps. The dashboard can be viewed here.
This API scrapes data from
It is deployed here:
- Clone this repository.
- Create and activate a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create the following postgres database on your machine:
- Create a
file with the following line:SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/seattle_school_buses
- Apply migrations to the database:
flask db upgrade
- Run the server
flask run
Route | Response Code | Response Body | Example Response Body |
GET /schools |
200 |
JSON where the keys are school names, and the values are a dictionary that includes the details for each school. | {"Adams": {"address":"6110 28th Ave NW","id":42,"lat":"47.6732465522865","lng":"-122.39295255961478","name":"Adams","option_alt":"N/A","type":"elementary school","zip":"98107"},...} |
GET /buses |
200 |
A list of all late bus dictionaries. | [{"day":"23","duration":"40","id":1,"month":"September","route":"268","school":"South Shore","school_id":39,"time":"am","units":"minutes","year":"2022"},{"day":"23","duration":"35","id":2,"month":"September","route":"379","school":"Rainier Beach","school_id":12,"time":"am","units":"minutes","year":"2022"},...] |
POST /buses |
201 |
A list of a the new late buses dictionaries added to the database. | [{"day":"24","duration":"30","id":245,"month":"October","route":"1787","school":"Lowell","school_id":73,"time":"am","units":"minutes","year":"2022"}] |
- | 200 |
The response where there is no new buses data to add to the database | {"message":"no new buses"} |
- | 400 |
Error response with information about the error . |
{"message": f"buses could not be added {error}" |