Generates a list of possible common username permutations given a list of names, a url, or a file.
Go: go install
Python (PyPI -- no longer maintained): pip install namebuster
bb@archbtw:~$ namebuster
namebuster <names|url|file>
Example (names): namebuster "John Broccoli, Diana Mango"
Example (url): namebuster https://sauna.htb
Example (file): namebuster document.txt
For each discovered name, namebuster will generate ~200 possible usernames. You can then use this list with a tool like kerbrute, for example (originally used for the Sauna machine on HackTheBox):
[ benbusby : ~/test ]
$ namebuster https://sauna.htb > usernames.txt
[ benbusby : ~/test ]
$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 userenum ./usernames.txt -d DOMAIN.LOCAL --dc sauna.htb
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Version: v1.0.3 (9dad6e1) - 02/18/20 - Ronnie Flathers @ropnop
2020/02/18 23:47:59 > Using KDC(s):
2020/02/18 23:47:59 >
2020/02/18 23:47:59 > [+] VALID USERNAME: fsmith@DOMAIN.LOCAL
2020/02/18 23:47:59 > Done! Tested 125 usernames (1 valid) in 1.585 seconds