Heroku is a Paas (Platform as a Service) which allows you to run your web applications without worrying about the infrastructure. Also providing a free tier which is surfice for running BruCal. WARNING: By using Heroku you are entrusting them with your university credentials.
- Click on above 'Deploy to Heroku' button.
- Login / Signup to Heroku if required.
- Fill in your BRUNEL_ID (7 digit student number) and BRUNEL_PASS (Brunel network password) and click 'Deploy App'.
Finding the iCal URL...
- Wait for deployment process to finish.
- In the top right, click 'More' then 'View Logs'.
- Here you will find the URL to your iCal, copy the path of the URL.
- Click 'Open app'. This will give you an error message for now, paste the ICal path to the end of this app's URL.