This layer adds a hie + lsp setup that wraps commands up in nix-shell for the project. This is shamelessly copied from the existing haskell layer and culling all of the variability around dante/intero/etc. It will not work for you if you do not build your haskell projects with nix. There are simpler instructions in the hie wiki that will work better for that right now.
I don’t really know all the layers that well at the moment, so starting with the simplest thing that worked seemed like the best idea. It can get fancier later and layer the modes if that is better and I understand how it all interacts. This would not have happened so easily without Sam Evan-Powell’s awesome gist.
One thing that could be annoying for you is the lack of company support with dante. If that annoys you, you should probably extend the haskell layer with dante and set your completion backend to dante.
PRs and feedback are very welcome if you find this useful but lacking in some way.
- syntax highlighting for haskell source, cabal files, C– source,
- lsp-mode & lsp-ui powered by lsp-haskell and haskell-ide-engine
Expect this layer to have some teething issues! Alan himself says this of haskell-lsp: ”This package is still under development, and is not recommended for daily use”. I still use it for my daily haskell, but expect bugs and needing to help out to make it nice. This layer is my first step toward this! :)
To use this configuration layer, first clone it into ~/.emacs.d/private with the following command:
cd ~/.emacs.d/private/
git clone hie-nix
and add the layer to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add hie-nix
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
You should also install the required haskell-ide-engine and tools via nix.
First, you should make sure is in your binary cache list otherwise you will wait a really long time for it to build! :)
If you are using nixos, add “” to nix.binaryCaches and “” to nix.binaryCachePublicKeys.
Installing the cachix binary and following the instructions at ought to work.
Run this to install all of the dependencies into your user nix environment. If the cache is setup properly, you should see some things being downloaded from and it should be pretty quick. If it starts building and takes hours, go back a step or ask me for help. I’m usually available on the freenode IRC in #qfpl.
cd ~/.emacs.d/private
nix-env -f default.nix -iA hie-spacemacs-bundle
All Haskell specific bindings are prefixed with the major-mode leader SPC m
Top-level commands are prefixed by SPC m
Key Binding | Description |
SPC m g g | go to definition or tag |
SPC m g i | cycle the Haskell import lines or return to point (with prefix arg) |
SPC m F | format buffer using haskell-stylish |
Documentation commands are prefixed by SPC m h
Key Binding | Description |
SPC m h d | find or generate Haddock documentation for the identifier under the cursor |
SPC m h f | do a helm-hoogle lookup |
SPC m h h | do a Hoogle lookup |
SPC m h H | do a local Hoogle lookup |
SPC m h i | gets information for the identifier under the cursor |
SPC m h t | gets the type of the identifier under the cursor |
SPC m h y | do a Hayoo lookup |
Debug commands are prefixed by SPC m d
Key Binding | Description |
SPC m d a | abandon current process |
SPC m d b | insert breakpoint at function |
SPC m d B | delete breakpoint |
SPC m d c | continue current process |
SPC m d d | start debug process, needs to be run first |
SPC m d n | next breakpoint |
SPC m d N | previous breakpoint |
SPC m d p | previous breakpoint |
SPC m d r | refresh process buffer |
SPC m d s | step into the next function |
SPC m d t | trace the expression |
Key Binding | Description |
RET | select object at the point |
a | abandon current computation |
b | break on function |
c | continue the current computation |
d | delete object at the point |
i | step into the next function |
r | refresh the debugger buffer |
s | go to next step to inspect bindings |
S | go to previous step to inspect the bindings |
t | trace the expression |
REPL commands are prefixed by SPC m s
Key Binding | Description |
SPC m s b | load or reload the current buffer into the REPL |
SPC m s c | clear the REPL |
SPC m s s | show the REPL without switching to it |
SPC m s S | show and switch to the REPL |
Cabal commands are prefixed by SPC m c
Key Binding | Description |
SPC m c a | cabal actions |
SPC m c b | build the current cabal project, i.e. invoke cabal build |
SPC m c c | compile the current project, i.e. invoke ghc |
SPC m c v | visit the cabal file |
These commands are available in a cabal file.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC m d | add a dependency to the project |
SPC m b | go to benchmark section |
SPC m e | go to executable section |
SPC m t | go to test-suite section |
SPC m m | go to exposed modules |
SPC m l | go to library section |
SPC m n | go to next subsection |
SPC m p | go to previous subsection |
SPC m s c | clear the REPL |
SPC m s s | show the REPL without switching to it |
SPC m s S | show and switch to the REPL |
SPC m N | go to next section |
SPC m P | go to previous section |
SPC m f | find or create source-file under the cursor |
Refactor commands are prefixed by SPC m r
Key Binding | Description |
SPC m r R | Rename using the lsp server |
SPC m r f | reformat the buffer via the lsp server |
SPC m r a | apply sideline code action via lsp |
That normally means that you don’t have the cabal (library) version that hie needs to read in the project data. Add it by overriding your tool deps in your shell.nix using pkgs.haskell.lib.addBuildTool to an appropriate haskellPackages.Cabal_2_4_0_1 like value. The version that you need will be in the cabal helper error output, which should be in the hie-stderr emacs buffer.
HIE still relies on the old-school cabal configure, so if you use the new-style stuff you will need to `cabal configure –enable-tests` etc to get the testing deps in there. If you have never done this in the project, hie will just run a `cabal configure` for you and miss the extra stuff.
Even if you have a nix ghc environment that creates a hoogle database, hie cannot find this database, presumably because it is accessing hoogle via the haskell API rather than the wrapped hoogle binary that is in the environment (which has a DB location hardcoded into it).