Benner.Messaging is a .NET Standard lightweight messaging library to deal with any message broker with ease. Benner.Messaging supports RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Amazon SQS and Azure Queue. It is free and open-source under MIT License.
Branch | Status |
master |
Package Name | .NET Framework | .NET Standard |
Benner.Messaging | 4.6.1 | 2.0 |
We provide an extremely simple and intuitive API for sending and receiving messages to either RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Amazon SQS or Azure Queue:
Messaging.Enqueue("queue-name", "hello world!");
var message = Messaging.Dequeue("queue-name");
Yep, you got that right! You code just once, on an extremly simple way, and run over any message broker. No vendor lock-in, no code refactoring. All the magic relies on configuration (file or injected code).
It's important to notice that Messaging API was born to work on a specific way:
- First in, first out
- One producer sends
- Only one consumer receives
- If consumer fails at receiving or processing, the message returns to queue
- The message will not be lost
Enqueue and Dequeue operations were designed to ensure that a sent message by the sender successfully arrives on the receiver. That means that we pursuit Publisher Confirms and Consumer Acknoledgement approach across any supported broker.
Create a new project:
dotnet new console -n producer
cd producer
Add Benner.Messaging and open the project on vscode:
dotnet add package benner.messaging
code .
Add using and just send a message to some queue:
using Benner.Messaging;
Messaging.Enqueue("queue-name", "hello world!");
That's it! dotnet run
it and you will get:
Messaging config not found
Well, you need a messaging.config
file, like that (don't worry, we will get deeper on configuration ahead):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="MessagingConfigSection" type="Benner.Messaging.MessagingFileConfigSection, Benner.Messaging" />
<queue name="teste" broker="RabbitMQ" />
<brokerList default="RabbitMQ">
<broker name="RabbitMQ" type="Benner.Messaging.RabbitMQConfig, Benner.Messaging">
<add key="HostName" value="Servidor" />
<add key="UserName" value="Usuario" />
<add key="Password" value="Senha" />
You can also inject config through code:
var config = new MessagingConfigBuilder()
.WithRabbitMQBroker("RabbitMQ", "servername", setAsDefault: true)
Messaging.Enqueue("queue-name", "hello world!", config);
That's it! dotnet run
it and you will get:
Unable to connect to RabbitMQ server
Well... you need, in this case, a RabbitMQ runnig according to your configuration.
Thankfully humanity evolved and we have Docker containers to help us out. So, let's just run it!
docker run -d -v rabbitmq_data:/var/lib/rabbitmq -p 15672:15672 -p 15671:15671 -p 5672:5672 -p 5671:5671 rabbitmq:3.7-management
Now we are good to go! dotnet run
it. No errors? Great! Now what?
On your browser, access http://servername:15672/#/queues
(user guest, password guest) to manage Rabbit and you'll be able to see your queue with your messages inside it.
Create a new project:
dotnet new console -n consumer
cd consumer
Add Benner.Messaging and open the project on vscode:
dotnet add package benner.messaging
code .
Add using and just receive a message from the queue, not forgeting configuration:
using Benner.Messaging;
var config = new MessagingConfigBuilder()
.WithRabbitMQBroker("RabbitMQ", "servername", setAsDefault: true)
var message = Messaging.Dequeue("queue-name", config);
That's it! dotnet run
it and you receive:
hello world!
Change consumer code to:
using Benner.Messaging;
var config = new MessagingConfigBuilder()
.WithRabbitMQBroker("RabbitMQ", "servername", setAsDefault: true)
using (var client = new Messaging(config))
client.StartListening("queue-name", (e) =>
// Print the message
return true;
// Stand-by the application so it can keep listening
Ok, dotnet run
it 3 times so you will have 3 consumers simultaneously
Change producer code to:
using Benner.Messaging;
var config = new MessagingConfigBuilder()
.WithRabbitMQBroker("RabbitMQ", "servername", setAsDefault: true)
// Create new instance of messaging
using (var client = new Messaging(config))
// Sending 1000 messages
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
client.EnqueueMessage("queue-name", "hello world #" + i);
Done, dotnet run
it and see what happens.
Check out get started samples here.
Or, read more details here.