This repository contains a Dockerfile
to build a fully-fledged,
self-contained Bamboo Agent image targeted at Java-/Web-based development.
It currently features:
JDK 1.8 and 1.10, Groovy,
Node 4.x, 6.x and 8.x
Maven 3, Ant 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10
(Headless) chromium browser and chromedriver
, yarn and npm -
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 and
It installs a set of dependencies and declares them under custom capability names. So overall you probably want to (heavily) adjust/trim/expand this image according to your needs.
Simply run the following command. Please note: The prefix
is there assuming that you have a private registry where you will publish you images
for the clients to pick it up. Simply run
sudo docker build --pull -t .
then you can push the newly build image with the following command
sudo docker push
into your registry running on
Please note, that these images tend to get quite large. So probably you want be able to delete outdated images from you registry. This can get a little complicated, so you might be aware upfront how to do this.
Using out published docker image it’s easy to start new instances of the Docker ("Container") as follows:
sudo docker run -d --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --init --name bentolor-bamboo-agent -h docker-host1 -e BAMBOO_SERVER=
The hostname is what you will see later-on in the Bamboo UI. If you do not pass any value here, Bamboo will generate a random ID on every container creation.
The option
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN
is only necessary for (Headless) operation of the Chromium browser. Otherwise chromium will crash, as it will fail to create a sandbox withFailed to move to new namespace: PID namespaces supported, Network namespace supported, but failed: errno = Operation not permitted
advises Docker to start a dedicated init process within the containers, so that processes whose parent died get reap. Otherwise you could see lot of defunct zombie processes i.e. ofchrome <defunct>
ornode <defunct>
You can start and stop the container with the usual docker commands:
sudo docker stop bentolor-bamboo-agent sudo docker start bentolor-bamboo-agent
Stop and delete the instance with the following command
sudo docker kill bentolor-bamboo-agent sudo docker rm bentolor-bamboo-agent
One could use some big-class solutions like Kubernetes or OpenShift of the container orchistration. As a typically build agent will probably run on a limited set of bare metal computers (probably some old laptops & PCs no longer in use) I find a smaller solution better. I found watchtower to be the most intriguing solution sof this purpose: It can periodically check for updates of the current running containers and the automatically stop, pull and restart them with the exact same options as before.
It’s as simply as:
sudo docker run -d \ --name watchtower \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ v2tec/watchtower \ --schedule "0 0-59/3 9-19 * * MON-FRI" \ --cleanup
This will check every 3 minutes between 9am and 7pm between monday and friday for updates and then redeploy your agent (and other images).
See the manual of watchtower to learn more about the options you have here.
Simply adjust & update the Dockerfile
The Dockerfile
downloads and installs IntelliJ IDEA as .tar.gz
. To get it
running (headlessly) IntelliJ needs some sort of minimum configuration like
required plugins or licence server definition.
Therefore you’ll find a directory bamboo/.IntelliJIdea2018.1
which gets copied into the container.
Start and definde licenceserver
Define JDKs within IDEA (important!)
Add optional plugins like handlebars, js-karma, NodeJS, Scala, VueJS, …
Hand-pick the required files in bamboo/.IntelliJIdea2018.1 and add them to Git
Delete all unversionated files (i.e. via
git clean -fdx
To create or maintain the first configuration from a Linux-based host I simply forward my X11-connection into a newly started host and do the necessary adjustemts interactivly via:
xhost + docker run -it --rm --name debug-bamboo-agent -h bentolor-bamboo-agent \ --dns \ -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ -v `pwd`/bamboo/.IntelliJIdea2018.1:/root/.IntelliJIdea2018.1 \ -v `pwd`/bamboo/.java:/root/.java bentolor-bamboo-agent \ /srv/idea.latest/bin/ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER . git add -u git commit
Something went wrong on the agent. How can I diagnoes it
Simply try to reproduce the steps take by you build plan inside the container, i.e. with:
docker exec -it myagent /bin/bash
- I’m having issues to access my local licencse server or other domain names
Probably your container uses a wrong DNS configuration. Create and adjust a
to tell you Docker containers about the correct DNS servers:
{ "dns": ["", ""] }
- I can’t push or pull from my local registry
You are probably using an insecure registry with no valid SSL certificate. Therefore you must add the following stance into
to support so called insecure registries.
{ "insecure-registries" : [""] }