This python code encrypts or decrypts Images using AES-CBC. I used the .bmp extension so that the image is openable but unintelligible when encrypted. Also, encrypted images are saved as .bmp and when decrypted, they are converted back to .jpeg format.
Do not forget to install the libraries given in requirements.txt.
python -e -k password -i image.jpeg -o imageDecrypted
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --encrypt Encrypts an image, If -e or -d is not specified, the program will encrypt the image.
-d, --decrypt Decrypts an image, If -e or -d is not specified, the program will encrypt the image.
-iv IV, --iv IV Initialization vector to use for encryption/decryption. If the IV is not 16 characters
long, it is completed by the code to 16 characters.If it is not provided, an IV will be
generated from the key.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output file name. If not specified, the image will be
saved as encrypted.bmp or decrypted.jpeg
required arguments:
-i PATH/image.jpg, --image PATH/image.jpg Image to encrypt/decrypt.
-k KEY, --key KEY Key to use for encryption/decryption. Maximum key length is 32 characters.