A simple script that uses OWSLib to connect to a WFS and retrieve some data.
- Python and Pip (tested with 3.12, other versions might also work)
Create a virtual environment, activate it, then install the dependencies into it:
$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ python wfs_connect.py --help
usage: wfs_connect.py [-h] [--url URL] [--source SOURCE] [--target TARGET] [--format FORMAT] [--start START] [--max MAX] [--types TYPES] [--types_only]
Connect to a WFS, list the features (layers) and get some data from them.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL URL of the WFS. Default: https://fbinter.stadt-berlin.de/fb/wfs/data/senstadt/s_luftbild1979
--source SOURCE Source projection of the data. Default: EPSG:25833
--target TARGET Target projection of the data. Default: EPSG:4326. Use 'none' for no projection conversion.
--format FORMAT Desired output format. Default: application/json
--start START Start index. Default: 0
--max MAX Maximum number of features to be returned. Default: 10
--types TYPES Names of feature types to be queried (separated by comma), or 'all'. Default: all
--types_only Boolean. Only list the available types, don't query any features. Off by default.
A WFS can contain several layers or feature types. To list the avaible types without querying any features, you can do this:
(venv) $ python wfs_connect.py --url https://gdi.berlin.de/services/wfs/schulen --types_only
INFO:__main__: Available feature types: schulen:schulen_esb, schulen:schulen
By default, all feature types will be queried.
However, it is possible to query only specific types by using the --types
(venv) $ python wfs_connect.py --url https://gdi.berlin.de/services/wfs/schulen --format=json --types=schulen:schulen
Map coordinates can come in different projections.
To convert from the source projection the WFS offers (such as the default EPSG:25833 or 'Soldner') to a target projection (such as EPSG:4326' or WGS84), use the --source
and --target
The script uses pyproj for conversion, so the names of the projections must be based on that.
Use --target=none
if no conversion is desired.
The script is hard-coded to output GeoJSON, because that makes post-processing with jq (needs to be installed separately) easier. For example, jq can be used to convert the output to CSV – some WFSes offer CSV-export out of the box, but not all.
Converting to CSV with jq can look like this:
(venv) $ python wfs_connect.py --url https://gdi.berlin.de/services/wfs/adressen_berlin | \
jq '[.features[] | .properties + { coordinates: .geometry.coordinates | join(",")}]' | \
jq -r '(map(keys) | add | unique) as $cols | map(. as $row | $cols | map($row[.])) as $rows | $cols, $rows[] | @csv'
INFO:__main__: Available feature types:
INFO:__main__: fis:s_wfs_adressenberlin
INFO:__main__: converting map projection from EPSG:25833 to EPSG:4326
INFO:__main__: Retrieved features:
"","S26680","Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf","04","","13.281063091754831,52.48277042137358","","","","Grunewald","0404","Hagenplatz","04400728","14193","RBS","2011-05-04T00:00:00","Joseph-Joachim-Platz","07025","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S26813","Mitte","01","","13.385002857291411,52.51819536166907","","","","Mitte","0101","Unter den Linden","01100206","10117","RBS","2012-02-07T00:00:00","Neustädtischer Kirchplatz","10753","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S6397","Tempelhof-Schöneberg","07","","13.378243459875783,52.4660225914178","","","","Tempelhof","0703","Bosepark","07400824","12103","RBS","1960-01-01T00:00:00","Berlinickeplatz","06927","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S21009","Lichtenberg","11","","13.492133789547339,52.53949277382288","","","","Alt-Hohenschönhausen","1110","Große-Leege-Straße","11200513","13055","RBS","1960-01-01T00:00:00","Strausberger Platz","43245","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S26439","Pankow","03","","13.440674879147275,52.54702617496678","","","","Prenzlauer Berg","0301","Ostseestraße","03601245","10409","RBS","1960-01-01T00:00:00","Ostseeplatz","42163","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S22600","Pankow","03","","13.437055365281893,52.532955692352644","","","","Prenzlauer Berg","0301","Bötzowstraße","03701660","10407","RBS","1993-02-04T00:00:00","Arnswalder Platz","44889","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S19610","Lichtenberg","11","","13.47984679713975,52.52053737036246","","","","Lichtenberg","1103","Rathaus Lichtenberg","11300722","10367","RBS","1960-01-01T00:00:00","Loeperplatz","41814","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S26417","Tempelhof-Schöneberg","07","","13.397163710478978,52.39671063368912","","","","Lichtenrade","0706","Kettinger Straße","07601442","12305","RBS","1960-01-01T00:00:00","Ekensunder Platz","06961","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S20312","Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg","02","","13.4567946405513,52.5023798358904","","","","Friedrichshain","0201","Stralauer Kiez","02500835","10245","RBS","1960-01-01T00:00:00","Rudolfplatz","42486","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
"","S6517","Reinickendorf","12","","13.32782743099606,52.56405334694123","","","","Reinickendorf","1201","Scharnweberstraße","12200309","13405","RBS","1960-01-01T00:00:00","Kurt-Schumacher-Platz","07048","Platz/Straße ohne HNR"
As a table, for improved readability:
adr_datum | adressid | bez_name | bez_nr | blk | coordinates | hko_id | hnr | hnr_zusatz | ort_name | ort_nr | plr_name | plr_nr | plz | qualitaet | str_datum | str_name | str_nr | typ |
. | S26680 | Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf | 04 | 13.281063091754831,52.48277042137358 | Grunewald | 0404 | Hagenplatz | 04400728 | 14193 | RBS | 2011-05-04T00:00:00 | Joseph-Joachim-Platz | 07025 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S26813 | Mitte | 01 | 13.385002857291411,52.51819536166907 | Mitte | 0101 | Unter den Linden | 01100206 | 10117 | RBS | 2012-02-07T00:00:00 | Neustädtischer Kirchplatz | 10753 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S6397 | Tempelhof-Schöneberg | 07 | 13.378243459875783,52.4660225914178 | Tempelhof | 0703 | Bosepark | 07400824 | 12103 | RBS | 1960-01-01T00:00:00 | Berlinickeplatz | 06927 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S21009 | Lichtenberg | 11 | 13.492133789547339,52.53949277382288 | Alt-Hohenschönhausen | 1110 | Große-Leege-Straße | 11200513 | 13055 | RBS | 1960-01-01T00:00:00 | Strausberger Platz | 43245 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S26439 | Pankow | 03 | 13.440674879147275,52.54702617496678 | Prenzlauer Berg | 0301 | Ostseestraße | 03601245 | 10409 | RBS | 1960-01-01T00:00:00 | Ostseeplatz | 42163 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S22600 | Pankow | 03 | 13.437055365281893,52.532955692352644 | Prenzlauer Berg | 0301 | Bötzowstraße | 03701660 | 10407 | RBS | 1993-02-04T00:00:00 | Arnswalder Platz | 44889 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S19610 | Lichtenberg | 11 | 13.47984679713975,52.52053737036246 | Lichtenberg | 1103 | Rathaus Lichtenberg | 11300722 | 10367 | RBS | 1960-01-01T00:00:00 | Loeperplatz | 41814 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S26417 | Tempelhof-Schöneberg | 07 | 13.397163710478978,52.39671063368912 | Lichtenrade | 0706 | Kettinger Straße | 07601442 | 12305 | RBS | 1960-01-01T00:00:00 | Ekensunder Platz | 06961 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S20312 | Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg | 02 | 13.4567946405513,52.5023798358904 | Friedrichshain | 0201 | Stralauer Kiez | 02500835 | 10245 | RBS | 1960-01-01T00:00:00 | Rudolfplatz | 42486 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR | ||||
. | S6517 | Reinickendorf | 12 | 13.32782743099606,52.56405334694123 | Reinickendorf | 1201 | Scharnweberstraße | 12200309 | 13405 | RBS | 1960-01-01T00:00:00 | Kurt-Schumacher-Platz | 07048 | Platz/Straße ohne HNR |
All code in this repository is published under the MIT License.