(German: U-Bahn - subway, Wahnsinn - madness)
UWahn is a two player 2D top-down brawl game made for a contest by the German Youtube channel LetsGameDev. Two players are on a subway. When the train enters a station the players try to push the other one out of the train and leave them on the platform as the train drives off. The player remaining on the train wins.
The graphics of the train and the station are designed after the Viennese subway.
To start the game download the archive for your platform and start the executable.
- Code Copyright (c) 2014, Bernhard Kralofsky GNU GPL v3.0
- Pictures Copyright (c) 2014, Tim Tomic CC BY-NC-SA
- Music Copyright (c) 2014, Benedikt Alphart CC BY
- Font VCR OSD Mono (c) MrManet
Made with Processing http://www.processing.org/