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File metadata and controls

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HDM - Hiera Data Manager

Hiera Data Manager logo

Copyright 2023 betadots GmbH

This Rails application displays Puppet Hiera data and offers a WebGUI to read/update/create that configuration.

You can find screenshots in the screenshots.

Manual installation

At the moment manual installation is only tested on macOS, CentOS 7 and 8 Streams. But we highly recommend to use the Docker image!


Automated installation

Docker containers are made available. You can find more information in For automated installations we recommend using Puppet code. A working profile example can be found in

Configuration Options

HDM needs a configuration file (hdm.yml). Location depends on installation method:

  • Manual installation: within the HDM git clone in config/hdm.yml
  • Docker installation: on the docker host in /etc/hdm/hdm.yml

Configurations are provided as a Hash. The main hash key describes the Rails environment HDM is running in:

  • Manual installation: depending on RAILS ENVIRONMENT env var - defaults to development
  • Docker installation: set to production

The following configuration options are possible:

# hdm.yml
  authentication_disabled: false    # disable user auth and management

  read_only: true                   # read/write mode?

  allow_encryption: false           # encypting eyaml

  puppet_db:                        # PuppetDB access - plain text (default)
    server: http://localhost:8080
  puppet_db:                        # PuppetDB access-  PE token auth
    server: 'https://localhost:8081'
    token: '/etc/hdm/puppetdb.token'
    cacert: '<path to cacert>'
  puppet_db:                        # PuppetDB access - SSL Cert auth
    server: 'https://localhost:8081'
      key: <path to key>
      cert: <path to cert>
      ca_file: <path to ca_file>

  hiera_config_file: "hiera.yaml"   # hiera config file name

  config_dir: /etc/puppetlabs/code  # puppet code directory

  global_hiera_yaml: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml

  base_module_path: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/code:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules" # optional, in case you overwrite `basemodulepath` in puppet.conf

  ldap:                             # LDAP User auth
    host: 'localhost'
    port: 389
    base_dn: 'ou=hdm,dc=nodomain'
    bind_dn: 'cn=admin,dc=nodomain'
    bind_dn_password: 'openldap'
    ldaps: false


Usermanagement can be disabled in HDM config file by specifying the authentication_disabled option.

A fresh installation needs an admin which has to be created first with the WebGUI. That admin can not read the Puppet configuration. He/She can only create/delete new users. Normal users have the ability to read/change/delete the Puppet configuration data.

Use git repositories instead of "live" yaml files

HDM can edit live hiera yaml files directly in the file system. While this might be fine for smaller installations, it might not be desireable in many others.

In those cases you should make sure that the user HDM runs as has no write access to the files. If you still want to be able to make changes, you should consider making them in a git repository instead. This will afford you a full history of edits and the possibility to roll back changes if necessary.

HDM supports this by allowing you to substitute directories from the file system hosting the live hiera files with directories from a git repository.

Say your live data lives in /etc/puppetlabs/code/myenv/data. To replace this with data from the git repository at where the corresponding directory is called environments/myenv/data add the following to config/hdm.yml:

  # ... existing production config ...
    - datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/code/myenv/data
      path_in_repo: environments/myenv/data

You can substitute as many directories with ones from git repositories as you like.

Please note that the user HDM runs as needs to be able to clone the repository. Cloned repos are stored in HDM's repos directory. Repositories are cloned the first time they are needed. This might take a long time, so HDM also provides a task to prefetch all needed repositories:

bundle exec rails hdm:clone_repos

Any changes made to files from a git repository will be commited and pushed back to the origin repository. Please note that HDM will not pull updates from the origin repository and is not able to resolve possible conflicts, so you might want to make sure that your repository is only edited by HDM.

⚠️ Update to >= 1.0.0

Set rails secret

Don't forget to set SECRET_KEY_BASE env var in docker run, docker-compose, systemd or hieradata.

openssl rand -hex 16


docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -e DEVELOP=1 -e SECRET_KEY_BASE=9dea7603c008dec285e4b231602a00b2

See docker-compose.yaml.

Update db file

Move existing db/development.sqlite3 to db/production.sqlite3

docker exec -it <container_id> bash
mv db/development.sqlite3 db/production.sqlite3
bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=production

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