Laravel Query Builder with Vue JS
Laravel Query Builder with Vue JS is a web application which was designed by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue JS and developed by using PHP and Laravel framework.
This website was built for learning Laravel Query Builder with Vue JS.
Step - 1:
Download or clone the repository
Step - 2:
Intall all the dependencies by running these commands "composer update" and "npm install"
Step - 3:
Copy the .env.example file from root directory to root directory then rename the copied file to .env
Step - 4:
Generate new application key by running the command "php artisan key:generate"
Step - 5:
Create a new database and import the laravelquerybuilderwithvuejs.sql file
Step - 6:
Add the database details in the .env file by editing the .env file like below:
Step - 7:
Add the application name in the .env file by editing the .env file like below:
Step - 8:
Add the application url in the .env file by editing the .env file like below
Step - 9:
Build the assets by running the command "npm run build"
Step - 10:
Delete the node_modules folder from the root directory
Do not hesitate to message me when you found any problem.