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Sequence analysis of tumors from immunosuppressed patients: a complete description of the bioinformatic workflow



This repository provides all the bioinformatics tools and workflows used to analyse the data in Passaro et al 2019.
The aim of the study was to perform investigation of tumors samples by metagenomics analyses, in order to identify putative oncoviruses in immunosuppressed patients. Consistently with the major findings of several recent papers no novel human tumorigenic viruses could be identified. The 13 biological samples used in this study were tumors ablated for therapeutic purposes from 12 patients (Table 1). DNA or RNA were extracted and, according to their quality, sequenced by using the Illumina NestSeq 500 platform and a Paired-Ends (PE) layout. Only for patients T7 we were able to obtain both high quality DNA and RNA. The raw data are available in the SRA repository under the Bioproject PRJNA544407.

Table 1: Sample metadata and SRA data references.

Code Tumor type Nucleic acid sequenced Immunosuppressive condition (IC) Years from onset of IC BioSample ID SRA ID
T1 Skin squamous cell carcinoma RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 20 SAMN11835442 SRR10202451
T2 Skin squamous cell carcinoma RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 9 SAMN11835461 SRR10202450
T5 Native kidney (oncocytoma) RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 19 SAMN11835462 SRR10202445
T7 Transplanted kidney (clear cell carcinoma) DNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 3 SAMN11835463 SRR10202444
T7_RNA Transplanted kidney (clear cell carcinoma) RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 3 SAMN12838684 SRR10202446
T8 Native kidney (oncocytoma) DNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 20 SAMN11835464 SRR10202443
T9 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma DNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 12 SAMN11835496 SRR10202442
T10 Colon adenocarcinoma DNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 5 SAMN11835497 SRR10202441
T11 Native kidney (clear cell carcinoma) RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 7 SAMN11835498 SRR10202440
T12 Skin carcinomas RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 12 SAMN11835499 SRR10202439
T13 Skin carcinomas RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 12 SAMN11835501 SRR10202438
T14 Skin squamous cell carcinoma RNA Renal transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy 8 SAMN11835502 SRR10202449
N4 Carcinoma of the tongue and oropharynx RNA Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 15 SAMN11835504 SRR10202448
N6 Lip squamous cell carcinoma (HPV-neg.) RNA Acute lymphocytic leukemia 11 SAMN11835505 SRR10202447

The obtained sequencing data were analysed by applying a bioinformatics pipeline relying on 3 main steps:
1. Taxonomic assignment of Illumina PE reads by exploiting MetaShot;
2. Meta-assembly of unassigned reads;
3. Taxonomic assignments of the obtained scaffolds.
The described method allows users to replicate the whole procedure or just reproduce one specific step. The intermediate data are available as a Zenodo repository.


Tools and packages

All the steps described below rely on several tools and packages whose installation and configuration is required to properly reproduce all the listed steps.
Following the list of required tools:

  • MetaShot (Metagenomics Shotgun) [PMID: 28130230] is a pipeline designed for the complete taxonomic assessment of the human microbiota. In MetaShot, third party tools and ad hoc developed Python and Bash scripts are integrated to analyse paired-end (PE) Illumina reads, offering an automated procedure covering all the steps from raw data management to taxonomic profiling. It is designed to analyse both DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq data.
  • metaSPAdes [PMID: 28298430] is an assembler designed to obtain high quality metegenomes assemblies.
  • WindowMasker [PMID: 16287941] identifies and masks highly repetitive DNA sequences in a contigs/scaffolds. It is included in the NCBI C++ toolkit.
  • RepeatMasker [PMID: 19274634] allows to identify, classify, and mask repetitive elements, including low-complexity sequences and interspersed repeats.
  • BLAST+ [PMID: 20003500] inds regions of local similarity between sequences.
  • Custom Perl scripts developed by Dr. Matteo Chiara.
  • bowtie2 [PMID: 22388286] aligns Illumina PE reads to references genomes.
  • SRA toolkit is a suite of tools allowing to access the INSDC content.
  • Zenodo_get is a downloader for Zenodo records.
  • samtools [PMID: 19505943] is a suite of tools for the manipulation of files in Sequence Alignment/Map format (sam).

Required data files

  1. The link to the MetaShot reference data is available in its github repository, where it is also available a description of the required configurations.
    Please note that the download and configuration of MetaShot reference data is required only in case you want to reproduce the whole pipeline.
  2. The Meta-assembly steps begins with the mapping on the human genome, in order to remove human sequences MetaShot was unable to identify:
    * If you have downloaded the MetaShot reference data it is also contains the human genome assembly hg19 in MetaShot_reference_data/Homo_sapiens/;
    * Otherwise you may download it from UCSC or ENSEMBLE.
    In order to build the hg19 bowtie2 indexes, type the following line:
    bowtie2-build -f hg19.fa hg19
    bowtie2-build is part of the bowtie2 package and builds a bowtie2 index from a set of DNA sequences. The -f option indicates the input sequences are in FASTA format.
  3. The FASTA file containing all the human RefSeq transcript can be downloaded by using the UCSC TABLE browser. To create the relative bowtie2 indexes type as following:
    bowtie2-build -f refseq.fa refseq
  4. The human micro-satellites sequences for the hg19 assembly were obtained from the UCSC Genome Browser by using the table browser tool.
  5. The list of human repeats was retrieved from the GIRI (Genetic Information Research Institute) Repbase. *Due to the Repbase data sharing policy you need to request the data on your-own.

Bioinformatics Workflow

For reproducibility purposes, sequencing data were deposited as raw reads. Nonetheless, considering that the most intense and computational expensive steps were the taxonomic classification and the metagenomes assemblies performed by MetaShot and metaSPAdes, respectively, and in order to facilitate the analysis reproducibility by avoiding to repeat one or both these steps, the unassigned PE reads and the assembled scaffolds are available in a Zenodo repository.

1. Taxonomic assignment of Illumina PE reads

Following it is described how to use MetaShot. If you want to skip this step, just jump to the Meta-assembly of unassigned reads.

Raw data retrieval

To begin the analysis from this step, raw data download is required. To retrieve the FASTQ files from SRA, just use the fastq-dump tool from the SRA toolkit suite.
For instance, to download the sample N6 data type the following line:

fastq-dump --split-files -O SRR10202447 `SRR10202447` 

This will generate a folder called SRR10202447 containing 2 fastq files: SRR10202447_1.fastq and SRR10202447_2.fastq.

Metashot application

The whole MetaShot workflow can be performed by typing the following command: -m read_list.tsv -p parameters_file

In particular:

  • -m refers to a tsv file containing a list of PE reads files. Have a look at the guide;
  • -p refers to a structured file containing all the info MetaShot needs to perform the analysis. For more info, have a look to MetaShot setting up guide.
    Metashot will performs several steps:
  1. removal of Phix reads;
  2. trimming of low quality and low-complexity reads;
  3. Mapping on the host-genome;
  4. Comparison with prokaryotic, fungal, viral and protist reference collections;
  5. removal of ambiguous reads (i.e. reads mapping on more than one reference collection);
  6. Taxonomic classification of unambiguous reads;
  7. Report preparation.

It produces several files and folders but the most important are:

  • ambiguos_pe_read.lst: textual fine containing all the ambiguous PE reads (reads mapping on more than one reference division);
  • bacteria_CSV_result.csv: tabular file summarising the taxonomic assignments for prokaryotes;
  • fungi_CSV_result.csv: tabular file summarising the taxonomic assignments for fungi;
  • protist_CSV_result.csv: tabular file summarising the taxonomic assignments for protist;
  • virus_CSV_result.csv: tabular file summarising the taxonomic assignments for viruses.

A more extensive description about MetaShot results is available here.

Unassigned PE reads extraction

Following, the unassigned reads are extracted by using the script: -u

This script generates a folder containing all the unassigned reads.
The folder name is automatically generated by using the following format taxid_PE_file_DAY_MONTH_YEAET_HOUR_MINUTES_SECONDS in order to avoid data overwriting.

2. Meta-assembly of unassigned reads

Unassigned data retrieval

If you have skipped the MetaShot step, just download the unassigned reads available in the Zenodo repository by using zenodo_get.
There are two ways to download the files:

  1. retrieve the whole repository:
    mkdir zenodo_<RECORD_ID> && cd zenodo_<RECORD_ID>
    zenodo_get 3893846

This will automaticaly download the whole repository content and create a md5sums.txtfile to crosscheck if the files were properly retrieved. 2. retrieve selected files. Suppose we are interested in retrieve just the N6 unassigned reads:

    mkdir N6 && cd N6
    zenodo_get -w `files_link_list` zenodo_<RECORD_ID>

This will automatically create a file named files_link_list containing the https link to each file in the repository.
Following by using wget you can retrieved the desired data.

    wget <LINK_https>

Human reads removal

Before to perform the reads assembly, we need to remove human reads MetaShot was unable to identify.

    bowtie2 -1 <R1files> -2 <R2files> -x /path/to/hg19_bowtie_index/hg19 --very-sensitive-local -p 12 -S <name>.sam --un-conc <name>_nonhumanPE

In particular: * -1: file(s) containing the forward reads;
* -2: file(s) containing the reverse reads;
* -x: bowtie2 indexes;
* --very-sensitive-local: mapping preset giving priority to sensitivity and performing the alignment in local mode;
* -p: number of available processors;
* -S: SAM file output name;
* --un-conc: by using this option 2 files containing unmapped R1 and R2 reads are generated and named name_nonhumanPE.1 and name_nonhumanPE.2. Just replace <name> with the sample name.

In case of RNA-Seq data a mapping against RefSeq human transcripts needs also to be performed:

    bowtie2 -1 <name>_nonhumanPE.1 -2 <name>_nonhumanPE.2 -x /home/mchiara/refseq --very-sensitive-local -p 12 -S <name>.sam --un-conc <name>_RNA_nonhumanPE

Metagenome Assembly

The metagenome assembly was perfomed by using metaSPAdes.
Please note that for DNA-Seq and RNA-SEQ data were assembled the obtained name_nonhumanPE and name_RNA_nonhumanPE files, respectively. -1 <name\_nonhumanPE.1>  -2 <name\_nonhumanPE.2> -t 12  -k 21,33,55,77,99 -o <name_meta>

In particular: * -1: file(s) containing the R1 reads;
* -2: file(s) containing the R2 reads;
* -t: number of available threads;
* -k: k-mer dimensions;
* -o: output folder name.

3. Taxonomic assignments of the obtained contigs/scaffolds

Scaffolds data retrieval

If you want to skip the metaSPAdes assembly step, just download the scaffolds available in the Zenodo repository by using zenodo_get.
As mentioned before you can retrieve the whole repository or just some selected files.

Following in order to mask human repeat (we used the species human ) we applied RepeatMasker on the obtained contigs:

Masking of low complexity and repeated regions in the scaffolds

In order to save time we mask repeated and low complexity regions in the scaffolds by using RepeatMasker and WindowMasker, respectivaly.
By using RepeatMasker we can mask known human repetitive elements:

RepeatMasker -species human <name_meta>

At the end of the analysis a file with the .masked suffix will be produced.
WindowMasker allows to identify and mask low complexity and highly repetitive sequences.
Two steps are required:

  1. Words occurrence inference: it stores the the words occurrence in the name_meta.MK file.
    windowmasker -in <name_meta.masked> -mk_counts > <`name_meta.MK`>
  1. Masking: It masks the repetitive words and low-complexity regions by using the words count file generated in the previous step and the dust algorithm, respectively.
    windowmasker -in <name_meta.masked> -ustat <name_meta.MK> -dust T -outfmt fasta > <name_meta.double-masked.fasta>

Finally, we removed contings containing more than 15% of N (corresponding to masked nucleotides):

perl <name_meta.double-masked.fasta> > <name_meta.BLAST.fasta>

Scaffolds taxonomic classification

The retained contigs were taxonomically classified by using the blastn. The -remote options allows to query remote blast db available on the NCBI servers.

blastn -remote -query  <name_meta.BLAST.fasta> -db nr > name_meta_BLAST.res

Scaffolds were assigned to the blastn best match if it covered at least the 30% of the query sequence with a similarity percentage equal or higher than 70%, by using the following command:

perl G <name_meta_BLAST.res>

The final output consists in a simple table, where for every species to which one or more contigs were assigned, the total number of contigs assigned to that species, and their total size is reported.
An example is enclosed in Table 2:

Table 2: result example.

Species Name # of assigned contigs total size
human 513 301243
chlorocebus 1 371
Nohit 16 5125
monkey 90 41487
onchocerca_flexuosa 1 127
rhesus_macaque 4 3613

Nohit is used to indicate sequence that show no significant similarity/were not assigned to any species.

Only for scaffolds derived from the assembly of metatranscriptomic data (RNA samples, namely T1,T5,T7_RNA,T11,T12,T13,T14,N4,N6), an additional round of taxonomic assignment was performed by a sequence similarity search against the Gencode V31 annotation of the human genome. A copy of the fasta file Gencode_V31_transcripts.fa is available in this repository. The following commands are required to execute this analysis. First a blast nucleotide database needs to be created from the fasta file. This can be done as follows

gzip -d Gencode_V31_transcripts.fa.gz 

makeblastdb -in Gencode_V31_transcripts.fa -dbtype nucl -out Gencode_V31

The makeblastdb command should be included in any standard blast+ package installation.
Sequence similarity searches, were performed as outlined previously by means of the blastn command

blastn -query <name_meta.BLAST.fasta> -db Gencode_V31 > name_meta_BLAST_transcriptome.res

Please notice that the name of the "-db" argument of the blastn command needs to match exactly the name of the blast database that you should have created with makeblastdb (that is the name of the -out argument).

Finally assignment of metatranscriptomic contigs, is performed by parsing the output file of blastn by means of

perl G <name_meta_BLAST_transcriptome.res>

Identification of possible integration sites of viral genomes

For the 3 samples (namely T1, T8 and N6) in which viral specimens were detected by our analyses, we applied an ad-hoc method to identify possible sites of integration of such viruses in the genome of the host. For this analysis, unassigned metagenomic reads were mapped by using bowtie2 on a custom sequence database (called index) containing the metagenomic assemblies of the viral isolates identified in our the paper. The corresponding file, in fasta format, can be obtained github repository with our custom Perl scripts: this repository . The file is called viral_seq_Passaro_et_al.fa To obtain a bowtie2 index file from the fasta, the following command is required

bowtie2-build <viral_seq_Passaro_et_al.fa> viraldb

To map unassigned metagenomic reads to these viral scaffolds, the following command was used with bowtie2:

bowtie2 -1 <R1files> -2 <R2files> -x viraldb --very-sensitive-local -p 12 -S <name>.sam 

Please notice that viraldb here denotes the database of viral metagenomic scaffold as obtained by the bowtie2-build command.

After mapping the reads, a custom Perl script called ,which is available from this repository , was applied to the output file <name>.sam to retrieve reads with partial similarity to a viral genome assembly (i.e incomplete mapping) or pairs of reads for which only one mate of the pair could be confidently mapped to to a viral scaffolds. By further mapping these reads to the reference hg19 human genome assembly, we searched for possible sites of integration of the viruses in the genome of the host. The presence of single reads or pairs of reads with partial similarity to both genomes (the virus and the host genome) indeed is considered to be indicative of integration of the virus in the host genome. The command for is as follows:

perl name.sam

The program produces 2 output files: * -1: one, with the suffix "singleton.fq" contains "orphan" reads, that is the reads in a pair where only the mate of the read, but not the read itself could be assigned confidently to a viral scaffold
* -2: a second file,with the suffix: "partial.fq" contains reads that have only a partial similarity to a viral genome scaffold (greater than 25% but smaller than 75% of the read size)

At this point Sites/events of possible integration of viral genomes in the human host genome can be inferred by mapping back _singleton.fq and _partial.fq to the hg19 human genome reference assembly using bowtie2. For example with these commands

bowtie2 --U name.sam_singleton.fq -x path/to/hg19_bowtie_index/hg19  --very-sensitive-local -S singleton.sam 

bowtie2 --U name.sam_partial.fq -x path/to/hg19_bowtie_index/hg19  --very-sensitive-local -S partial.sam 

In the example, the results of the mapping, will be stored in 2 files: singleton.sam and partial.sam, both in sam format. In Passaro et al, no evidence of integration was observed, and no read or pairs or reads showed hints of possible cross mapping on the reference and host genome. To check the number of reads mapped to the reference hg19 assembly, you can simply use samtools flagstat:

    samtools flagstat singleton.sam 
    samtools flagstat partial.sam 

Should you find any reads mapped to hg19, if you want to extract them from the corresponding sam file, to have an indication of the possible loci of integration, you can again use the samtools to extract these reads. The command would be something like:

    samtools view -F 4 partial.sam 
    samtools view -F 4 singleton.sam 

If you read up to this point, this means that either you have successfully completed the workflow, or that you just skipped to the last line. In the first case congrats! in the latter, don't worry I usually do that to!