I’m a writer who codes: a technical writer, full-stack software engineer, and music journalist. In everything I do - in the arts, tech, or the combination of both - I strive for clarity and to turn information into storytelling. Let's build something.
- 🔭 Recently launched: A beginner's guide to ChatGPT, AI, and machine learning
- 🌱 Currently building: a new music blogging platform built with TypeScript, Gatsby, and Contentful (repo coming soon)
- 👯 Looking for: Other software engineers who work in music (what are y'all listening to?)
- ⚡ What's grabbing my attention: Creative (and silly!) ways to make the lo-fi Internet more accessible
- 💬 GitHub Stats and Most Used Languages cards designed by Anurag Hazra
- 💬 LeetCode Stats card designed by Kunalan Kevin Subagaran