I'm Bhanuka Gamage 👋
I am currently a PhD Student at Monash University!
I believe that nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs 🚀
import MonashUniversity
class BhanukaManesha : MonashHonoursStudent {
let pronouns = ["he" , "him"]
var code = ["python", "javascript", "typescript", "swift", "c & c++", "r", "shell"]
var askMeAbout = ["apple", "machine learning research", "web dev", "ios dev", "tech"]
var technologies = [
machineLearning : [
frameworks: ["tensorFlow", "keras", "pytorch", "coreml"],
libraries: ["opencv", "pandas", "numpy"]
mobileApp: ["ios app dev📱"],
frontEnd: [
js: ["angular", "jquery", "vanilla"],
css: ["materialize", "bootstrap"]
backEnd: [
js: ["node", "express"],
python: ["django", "flask"]
webserver: ["nginx", "apache"]
devOps: [
collaborate: ["trello", "jira"],
build: ["git", "bitbucket", "travisci","docker🐳", ],
test: ["selenium", "pytest", "jasmine"],
deploy: ["git actions", "npm", "pip"],
run: ["aws", "digital ocean", "heroku", "gcp", "kubernetes"]
databases: ["postgresql", "MySql", "sqlite"],
misc: ["firebase", "cloud flare", "route53", "socket.io", "arkit"]
var architectures = [
"rest architecture",
"progressive web applications",
"single page applications",
"mvvm architecture",
"mvc architecture"
var funFact = "30% of developers’ work time goes for surfing the source code"
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to chat with you! 😊
Let's connect and chat! 📨