ENPM661 Project 2
Description : A point robot traverses in an obstacle map to find the goal from a starting point without colliding with the obstacles
- Python 3.9
- IDE to run the program (I used VSCode)
- Libraries : numpy, argparse, matplotlib.pyplot, time
- Open an IDE
- Navigate to the folder where the .py file exists
- Upon running the code, the user will be prompted
- To enter the start coordinates
- To enter the goal coordinates
- Note: please have one space between the start and goal
- To visualize the exploration and path, please uncomment the plt.pause() on line 300.
- If you want the path to be displayed without live visualization keep the line commented.
- The visuzaliztion using matplotlib is a bit slower so, to view the result, just run it.
- It will take some time to generate the plot. Thank you for being Patient.
- The code describes how to implement Dijkstra algorithm on a point robot
Some notable functions are |
C_obs_space() |
Djikstra() |
Action_set() |
- (0,0),(1,1),(400,250),(399,249),(399,250),(400,0),(400,249),(0,250),(0,400),(250,0) are out of bounds
- I have defined an extra layer of bound to show the edges of the map.
- A plot of all explored nodes and a path depicting the shortest distance between start and goal node.
- The green area depicts the explored nodes
- The dotted red line depicts the path
- The dark blue area is the obstacle
- the light blue area is the clearance to completely define the configuration space
Name : Bharadwaj Chukkala
Email : bchukkal@terpmail.umd.edu