A Disease Detection Web App to assist radiologists to detect the presence of COVID-19.
This project is a part of KU HackFest 2022
The main purpose of this project is to automate the process of COVID-19 diagnosis and help radiologists, doctors and patients in their process by saving their precious time. So, by using a trained model on COVID chest-X-ray images, It assists medical staff and radiologists to detect the presence/sign of COVID in the chest-x-ray images reducing the workloads and speeding up the diagnosis.
Run my Project
# clone the repo and check into the dir
git clone https://github.com/bhimrazy/covidologist
cd covidologist
# Setup environment and install all the requirements
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Setup kaggle key or download kaggle.json key file and place it in "~/.kaggle"
export KAGGLE_USERNAME="your kaggle username"
export KAGGLE_KEY="your kaggle api key"
# Download Datasets from kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/andyczhao/covidx-cxr2)
kaggle datasets download -d andyczhao/covidx-cxr2
# unzip to temp folder
unzip covidx-cxr2.zip -d temp
# remove zip file
rm -rf covidx-cxr2.zip
# prepare dataset folder
python main.py prepare
# train model
python main.py train
# generate metrics
# python main.py generate
# Run fast api app
cd app && uvicorn main:app --reload
Figure : Deployment Architeture of Covidologist
COVID Positive | COVID Positive | COVID Negative |
◆ PyTorch: https://pytorch.org
◆ FastAPI: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com
◆ COVIDx CXR-2 Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/andyczhao/covidx-cxr2