- https://github.com/raml-org/raml-spec/blob/master/versions/raml-10/raml-10.md/
- https://howtodoinjava.com/swagger2/swagger-spring-mvc-rest-example/
Spock provides highly expressive specification language, DSL. Key Selling points for using spock:
Data Driven Testing.
Interaction Based Testing.
Compatible with most IDEs, build tools and continuous integration servers.
Has Web Console that allows you to instantly view, edit, run, and even publish Spock specifications.
Compatible with Java and Groovy language interchangeability.
what is wrong with junit
- Ridiculous/Unreadable way of naming the test method. (Although junit5 has @Display(“for plain english title”))
- Intent of the test is not clear, all those Java verbosity and mocking frameworks make you exhausted and ready to give up.
- Junit/unit testing and Java, not the match made in heaven when It comes of BDD style testing.
- Parameterized testing to do Data Driven Testing is not simple with Junit
integration testing:
- https://github.com/ytheohar/spock-example
- https://objectpartners.com/2017/04/18/spring-integration-testing-with-spock-mocks/ https://github.com/snekse/spring-spock-integration-testing
- https://www.testwithspring.com/lesson/running-integration-tests-with-gradle-spock-edition/
- https://tedvinke.wordpress.com/2017/07/14/grails-3-3-integration-testing-with-spock-mocks/
- **https://kiview.github.io/testcontainers-groovy-integration-tests-workshop/ ** .
Unit testing: *
- https://www.callicoder.com/java-8-completablefuture-tutorial/
- **http://codingjunkie.net/completable-futures-part1/**
- https://blog.krecan.net/2013/12/25/completablefutures-why-to-use-async-methods/
- http://www.deadcoderising.com/java8-writing-asynchronous-code-with-completablefuture/
jar cvfe simple.jar com.codewithme.bhochhi.Main -C bin/ com
this creates the simple.jar in current directory with com.codewithme.bhochhi.Main as entry class in manifest.mf file using the files inside bin/ directory.