This project demonstrate that how advance features of javascript such as Prototypical Inheritance, Event Binding & propogation, and some drag and drop functionality.
Prototype - Prototype is like available to all objects as it is added to Objects by default. It allows us to create reusable objects.
Document Fragment - This allows us to build out divs Off Dome and append them to the body once they are all collected. Each time you modifies the DOM, it forces a redraw, hence using Document Fragment we are getting performance advantage here. It saves us from DOM redrawing everytime.
The DocumentFargment interface represents a minimal document object that has no parent. A common use for documentFragment is to create one, assemble a DOM subtree within it, then append or insert the fragment into the DOM using NODE interface method such as appendChild() or insertBefore().
Clicked Event
this.cardContainer.onclick = function(e){
console.log(, e.currentTarget);
console.log(, e.currentTarget.classList);
This This is called at the time of Invocation. Global this is undefined in "use restrict".
Bind - "Call me later!"
Apply - Execute me right now; accepts this + ARRAY
Call - Execute me right now; this + individual parameters
Game - Info Section - Deck - Discard Piles - Rules
Deck - Cards ----------- - shuffle - stack
Cards - val - suit ---------- - flip
Discard Piles - Holders ---------- accept or reject