The dist/
directory contains GeoJSON files of the House and Senate districts with legislator information, and a JSON file of just the legislator information.
See for a map built with Leaflet, hosted on GitHub Pages. Hopefully this can serve as an example for similar maps.
CAVEAT: I have no GIS training; I'm just a software engineer who likes maps. So, it's very likely there are some best practices that I have not, well, practiced. For example, to reduce the file size, I made some judgment calls to simplify the district borders. See the Makefile for details.
Feedback welcome on the issue tracker.
Install the project's dependencies:
npm install
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, to re-download the data and rebuild the output, run:
make -B
This will:
- Download the House and Senate legislative district shapefiles from MassGIS
- Scrape legislator information from and save it as JSON and CSV
- Generate GeoJSON for the House and Senate districts with legislator information (using mapshaper)
NOTE: When scraping, the HTTP requests are cached to facilitate development and avoid excessive traffic. To re-scrape the data, delete cache/ma_legislators_requests.sqlite
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm start
View the map at http://localhost:3000.
Publish changes by pushing them to the main