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In general, all mtkCPU simulation tests are via amaranth.back.pysim backend.

Unit tests

For best coverage and flexibility, you are able to easily add your own tests, written in RiscV assembly. For reference let's focus on simple test from tests/ file.

        name="simple 'sub'",
        .section code
            sub x10, x3, x2
        mem_init=MemoryContents.empty(), # empty {each valid memory address holds 0x0}
        reg_init=RegistryContents.fill(), # fill: { x_i := i }, e.g. x5 initially will hold value 5.

The testbench does nothing but captures all writes to register file, and when first write to out_reg is detected, it compares written value to specified by out_val parameter, throwing error in case of mismatch.

Note that such test structure is very convenient: For instance, let's consider test below, that tests the branch instructions:

        name="jump taken 'bne'",
                bne x1, x0, jump_taken
                addi x1, x0, 111
                addi x1, x0, 222

Remember, that simulation finishes when first write to x1 is captured. To test branch not taken condition, the only change would be out_val=111 instead of out_val=222.

riscv-dv tests

More advanced, randomized tests are provided using riscv-dv framework. Using UVM libraries and a capable simulator (e.g. QuestaSim), riscv-dv generates few-kilobytes-big .elf files filled with random instructions. As a next step it invokes ISS (e.g. Spike), with some verbose-trace flag (e.g. Spike must be compiled with --enable-commitlog and invoked with --log-commits), which on each executed instruction prints CPU registers state. Such log is in .csv format, and it's responsibility of your testbench to print the log in same format. Resulting two logs are further compared (each line should match between those two).

mtkCPU currently supports two riscv-dv tests:

  • riscv_arithmetic_basic_test
  • riscv_arithmetic_rand_testriscv_u_mode_rand_test

The first one checks arithmetic instructions and the second virtual memory accesses (it setup's page tables, writes to satp CSR and mret's to User mode).

Testbench for riscv-dv is located here.

As a result of simulation following .csv is created:

80000000,,t0:00000000,,f14022f3,3,"csrr    t0, mhartid",,
80000004,,t1:00000000,,00000313,3,"li      t1, 0",,
8000000c,,a3:8000000c,,00000697,3,"auipc   a3, 0x0",,
80000010,,a3:80000018,,00c68693,3,"addi    a3, a3, 12",,
80000018,,a4:40000000,,40000737,3,"lui     a4, 0x40000",,
8000001c,,a4:40000100,,10070713,3,"addi    a4, a4, 256",,
80000024,,t4:80016024,,00016e97,3,"auipc   t4, 0x16",,

After each instruction that writes to rd it's simulator job to print content of rd in format rd:value_after_execution, e.g. a4:40000000 after lui a4, 0x40000.

openOCD + GDB tests

mtkCPU has implemented Debug Module (with regards to Debug spec), compatible with default openOCD implementation.

openOCD can operate with different transport protocols, for board connection it uses e.g. ftdi, but for simulations useful is remote_bitbang. It sends values of JTAG input signals (TCK, TMS, TDI) via TCP, and in the same connection it waits for TDO value.

Looking at the openOCD source code we see how the values are serialized:

static int remote_bitbang_write(int tck, int tms, int tdi)
     char c = '0' + ((tck ? 0x4 : 0x0) | (tms ? 0x2 : 0x0) | (tdi ? 0x1 : 0x0));
     return remote_bitbang_queue(c, NO_FLUSH);

mtkCPU testbench implements following pseudocode:

conn = bind(localhost, 9000) # openOCD is on the other side

while true:
   input_serialized = conn.recv()
   tck, tms, tdi = deserialize(input_serialized)

   # drive cpu signals
   yield cpu.jtag.tck.eq(tck)
   yield cpu.jtag.tms.eq(tms)
   yield cpu.jtag.tms.eq(tdi)

   tdo = yield cpu.jtag.tdo # retrieve value from the simulator state


   yield Tick()

To make everything work, the JTAG testbench does the following:

  1. runs gdb (riscv-none-elf-gdb), passing an example .elf
  2. runs the openOCD, makes connection with gdb
  3. GDB parses .elf and sends it content to openOCD via internal protocol
  4. openOCD translates it to JTAG instructions, there are passeed to simulator via TCP channel
  5. simulator drives specific signals and returns feedback to openOCD