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IFTTT Integration

Add IFTTT_TOKEN="iftt maker secret key" to functionGlobalContext section in bluemix-settings.json

check for details

to initiate node-red callbacks to ifttt create a "do" button or any other trigger

for "THAT" select maker channel and use following settings

url - http(s)://your node-red host/red/ifttt

method - post

content type - application/json

Body {"ifttt":"On","iftttkey":"your ifttt Maker key"}

"ifttt":"On" - will turn callbacks to ifttt on "ifttt":"Off" - turn them off

wink event will send 3 parameters as permitted in IFTTT

  • value1 - device name
  • value2 - device state (on/off for lights and powerstrip outlets, locked/unlocked for locks, motion/no motion, leaking/no leak, opened/closed for trippers and garage doors, propane level value for gas tank sensor)
  • value3 - currently used for dimmable lights. will provide dim level

To process wink node-red in IFTTT:

Action - For "THIS" select the Maker channel Next, select "Receive a web request" For "Event Name" type "WinkEvent" Click "Create Trigger"

For "THAT" for example - select the Android Wear channel Click "Send a Notification" as the Action For the Notification text - Wink Event: {{value1}} {{value2}} {{value3}} For the image URL, use Wink image --

Send WINK device CMD via IFTTT (new)

Maker channel send web request parameters (used in THAT):

url (your node-red host)/red/ifttt (for example

method: POST

content-type: application/json

example of Maker channel body

  • {"winkName":"Second floor","type":"group","cmd":"on","level":50 , "iftttkey" : "ifttt maker channel secret key"}
  • {"winkName":"Bedroom floor lamp","type":"light","cmd":"on","level":50 , "iftttkey" : "ifttt maker channel secret key"}
  • {"winkName":"Bedroom floor lamp","type":"light","cmd":"off" , "iftttkey" : "ifttt maker channel secret key"}
  • {"winkName":"Front door","type":"lock","cmd":"unlock" , "iftttkey" : "ifttt maker channel secret key"}
  • {"winkName":"Evening mode","type":"shortcut", "iftttkey" : "ifttt maker channel secret key"}

format: winkName - name of wink device/group/shortcut as defined in the wink app

type: lock/light/group/shortcut/garage/robot

cmd: light/group: on/off, lock: lock/unlock robot: enable/disable, garage: open/close

level - dim level 0-100 required for light dimmers and groups if not present will be auto set to 100 for on and 0 for off commands.

Sample IFTTT recipe

Since Blue Iris system can also do web service calls here is how to make it call node-red for cameras:

  • In Blue Iris, open a camera's properties and go to the "Alerts" tab.
  • Check "Request from a web service"
  • Click "Configure" next to the "Request from a web service" line
  • In the "When Triggered" section, select "https://" or "http://" based on your node-red setup and enter
  • Replace "yourappname" above with the name of your node-red app.
  • pass command details by populating "POST text" same way as "maker channel body" example above.
  • Click OK all the way out.

Set/Update Node-Red global variable via IFTTT (new)

This is first drop to update a global node-red variable via IFTTT
use IFTTT maker channel for THAT use same url, method and context-type

in the body of the request you should use following format: {"nodeRedVar":"your var name (case Sensitive)","value":"your requred value","iftttkey":"your ifttt key"}


  • {"nodeRedVar":"Timer","value":"off","iftttkey":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}

variable will be set on the global context.
taking the example above you should call that variable in your node-red function as
Please use a single word for a variable name and make it alhpanumeric (no spaces or special characters).

FadeIn/FadeOut/Pulse effects for dimmable lights and groups

Maker channel send web request parameters (used in THAT):

url (your node-red host)/red/ifttt/effects/(effect_name) (for example

replace effect name with one of the following: fadein , fadeout , pulse

method: POST

content-type: application/json

example of Maker channel body for fadein/fadeout effects

  • {"winkName": "Home office", "type": "light","period":"30","min":"0","max":"100", "iftttkey": "XXXXXXX"}
  • period - total effect time in seconds
  • min - minimum brightness 0 - 100
  • max - maximum brightness 0 -100
  • winkName - name of dimmable light or group
  • type light/group

for pulse effect

  • {"winkName": "Home office", "type": "light","repeat":"3","min":"10","max":"50","delay":"5", "iftttkey": "XXXXXXXXXX"}
    • repeat - number of times to repeat effect
    • min - min brightness
    • max - max brightness
    • delay - time between min/max in seconds
    • winkName - name of dimmable light or group
    • type light/group