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Launch New Instance in Personal Project

Using prepared image is a preferred way. Frontend appliacation is prepared to fully cover instance launch steps automatically on background. Proceed with guide below if manual instance launch needed.

  • Follow the instructions Quick Start

    • Check Router, obtain Floating IP, update Security Group
      • Check if Router contain External Network public-muni-147-251-115-PERSONAL
        • Open Project -> Network -> Routers
        • If other setting, then use button Clear Gateway, confirm Clear Gateway
        • Select network public-muni-147-251-115-PERSONAL and Submit Routers
      • Floating IP

        • Check if Floating IP exists
        • Open Project -> Network -> Floating IPs
        • If No item to display then use button Allocate IP To Project
        • Select public-cesnet-78128250-PERSONAL and confirm using button Allocate IP Check Floating IP
      • Manage Security Group Rules

        • Open Project -> Network -> Security Groups
        • Check if present rules (SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, Egress IPv4 Any Any, otherwise add new rule using button Add Rule
          • Ingress IPv4 TCP 22 (SSH)
          • Ingress IPv4 TCP 80 (HTTP)
          • Ingress IPv4 TCP 443 (HTTPS)
          • Egress IPv4 Any Any (select Rule Other Protocol, select Direction Egress, insert -1 as IP protocol)
          • Ingress IPv4 TCP 8787 (In case of Rstudio using unsecured HTTP) Manage Security Group Rules
  • Launch instance

    • Open Project -> Compute -> Instances and use button Launch Instance Launch instance
    • Insert Instance Name, Description Insert name of your instance
    • Source:
      • Select Boot source: Image
      • Select Yes for Delete Volume on Instance delete
      • Use Up Arrow to select image with bioconductor software Select Boot source Image
    • Select Flavor 2 CPU and 16GB RAM Select Flavor
    • Select Network 147-251-115-pers-proj-net - personal-project-network-subnet Select Network
    • Key pair

      • If public key imported already, add existing key to the instance and continue using button Next
      • Import Key Pair if existing SSH key on your local computer, but not listed as available, then import public key using button Import Key
        • Insert Key Pair Name
        • Select SSH key for Key Type
        • Load Public Key from a file or copy/paste public key content in the field
        • Add key and continue using button Next
      • Create key Pair if any public key not available
        • Use button Create Key Pair
        • Insert Key Pair Name
        • Select SSH key for Key Type
        • Use button Create KeyPair
        • Copy Private Key to Clipboard and save it to the ~/.ssh/id_rsa on your local computer
        • Confirm using button Done
        • Now the public key is available down on the page. Use arrow before key name to show public part. Copy this public key to the file ~/.ssh/ on your local computer
        • Add key and continue using button Next
        • Check Access Privileges on .ssh Folder using commands chmod 700 .ssh/, chmod 644 .ssh/ and chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa Select Key pair
    • In Configuration insert code from (At Github use button Raw to display raw code) or use Browse button to search in clonned repository git clone


    • In Metada insert variables:
      • Bioclass_user containg your login
      • Bioclass_email containing your email
      • Proceed with Launch button Metadata
  • Wait until instance initialization finished and Associate Floating IP

    • All required settings are executed during instance boot
    • Use button Associate Floating IP
    • Select available floating IP and confirm using button Associate Associate Floating IP
  • Login using your SSH key as selected in Key pair above and Floating IP