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Getting Started

git clone
cd kmer-cnt
make  # C++11 required to compile the two C++ implementations
./yak-count M_abscessus_HiSeq_10M.fa.gz > kc-c4.out


K-mer counting is the foundation of many mappers, assemblers and miscellaneous tools (e.g. genotypers, metagenomics profilers, etc). It is one of the most important classes of algorithms in Bioinformatics. Here we will implement basic k-mer counting algorithms but with advanced engineering tricks. We will see how far better engineering can go.

In this repo, each {kc,yak}-*.* file implements a standalone k-mer counter. As to other files: ketopt.h is a command line option parser; khashl.h is a generic hash table library in C; kseq.h is a fasta/fastq parser; kthread.{h,c} provides two multi-threading models; robin_hood.h is a C++11 hash table library.


We provide eight k-mer counters, which are detailed below the result table. All implementations count canonical k-mers, the lexicographically smaller k-mer between the k-mers on the two DNA strands.

The following table shows the timing and peak memory of different implementations for counting 31-mers from 2.5 million pairs of 100bp reads sampled from the HiSeq M. abscessus 6G-0125-R dateset in GAGE-B. They were run on a Linux server equipped with two EPYC 7301 CPUs and 512GB RAM.

Implementation Limitation Elapsed time (s) CPU time (s) Peak RAM (GB)
kc-py1 + Python3.7 499.6 499.5 8.15
kc-py1 + Pypy7.3 1220.8 1220.8 12.21
kc-cpp1 528.0 527.9 8.27
kc-cpp2 319.6 319.6 6.90
kc-c1 <=32-mer 39.3 38.3 1.52
kc-c2 <=32-mer; <1024 count 38.7 37.9 1.05
kc-c3 <=32-mer; <1024 count 34.1 38.7 1.15
kc-c4 (2+4 threads) <=32-mer; <1024 count 7.5 35.1 1.27
yak-count (2+4; >=2 count) <=32-mer; <1024 count 14.6 54.8 0.47
jellyfish2 (16 threads) 10.8 163.9 0.82
KMC3 (16 thr; in-mem) 9.2 36.2 5.02


  • is a basic Python3 implementation. It uses string translate for fast complementary. Interestingly, pypy is much slower than python3. Perhaps the official python3 comes with a better hash table implementation. Just a guess. I often recommend pypy over python. I need to be more careful about this recommendation in future.

  • kc-cpp1.cpp implements a basic counter in C++11 using STL's unordered_map. It is slower than python3. This is partly because STL's hash table implementation is very inefficient. C++ does not necessarily lead to a fast implementation.

  • kc-cpp2.cpp replaces std::unordered_map with Martin Ankerl's robin_hood hash table library, which is among the fastest hash table implementations. It is now faster than, though the performance gap is small.

  • kc-c1.c packs k-mers no longer than 32bp into 64-bit integers. This dramatically improves speed and reduces the peak memory. Most practical k-mer counters employs bit packing. Excluding library files, this counter has less than 100 coding lines, not much more complex than the C++ or the python implementations.

  • kc-c2.c uses an ensemble of hash tables to save 8 bits for counter. This reduces the peak memory. The key advantage of using multiple hash tables is to implement multithreading. See below.

  • kc-c3.c puts file reading and parsing into a separate thread. The performance improvement is minor here, but it sets the stage for the next multi-threaded implementation.

  • kc-c4.c is the fastest counter in this series. Due to the use of an ensembl of hash tables in kc-c2, we can parallelize the insertion of a batch of k-mers. It is much faster than the previous versions. Notably, kc-c4 also uses less CPU time. This is probably because batching helps data locality.

  • yak-count.c is adapted from yak and uses the same kc-c4 algorithm. Similar to BFCounter, it optionally adds a bloom filter to filter out most singleton k-mers (k-mers occurring only once in the input). Yak needs to update the bloom filter, read the input twice and count twice. It is slower but uses less memory. Yak-count is the most complex example in this repo, but it is still short. Its code is also better organized. Command line: -b30 (bloom filter with 1 billion bits).

  • jellyfish2 is probably the fastest in-memory k-mer counter to date. It uses less memory and more flexible than kc-c4, but it is slower and much more complex. Command line: count -m 31 -C -s 100000000 -o /dev/null -t 16.

  • KMC3 is one of the fastest k-mer counters. It uses minimizers and relies on sorting. KMC3 is run in the in-memory mode here. The disk mode is as fast. KMC3 is optimized for counting much larger datasets. Although it uses more RAM here, it generally uses less RAM than jellyfish2 and other in-memory counters given high-coverage human data. Command line: -k31 -t16 -r -fa.


The k-mer counters here are fairly basic implementations only using generic hash tables. Nonetheless, we show better engineering can carry the basic idea a long way. If you want to implement your own k-mer counter, yak-count.c could be a good starting point. It is fast and relatively simple. By the way, if you have an efficient and simple k-mer counter (implemented in a few files), please let me know. I will be happy to add it to the table.