git clone
cd NewArchScrapBook
git checkout docker-integration
docker compose build
Make a file called .env
, and place it in the root of this project.
At this point, you must make one of two choices:
If you intend to bootstrap a new training run.
docker compose up
If you intend to join an existing training run, then add this environment variable to your .env
After that, you may join the training run with:
docker compose up
Your machine will print your own peer ID to the console at startup. It should look like this:
PEER-ID: /p2p/12D3KooWF9KB7PVUdbct4ryCMzDjbNT1q2w5XMw9iVG6tisY4ThB
If Hivemind is under-utilizing your GPU (i.e. it's not using all of your available VRAM), you may try to increase the batch size being used. To do this, add this environment variable to your .env
BATCH_SIZE=2 (or 3, or whatever)
You will know that training is progressing when you see output like this:
hivetrain-1 | LOCAL_RANK: 0 - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: [0]
hivetrain-1 |
hivetrain-1 | | Name | Type | Params
hivetrain-1 | ------------------------------------------
hivetrain-1 | 0 | model | GPT2LMHeadModel | 186 M
hivetrain-1 | ------------------------------------------
hivetrain-1 | 186 M Trainable params
hivetrain-1 | 0 Non-trainable params
hivetrain-1 | 186 M Total params
hivetrain-1 | 747.418 Total estimated model params size (MB)
hivetrain-1 | Global Step: 0, Local Loss: 12.069, Peers: 0
hivetrain-1 | Global Step: 0, Local Loss: 12.063, Peers: 1
hivetrain-1 | Global Step: 0, Local Loss: 11.852, Peers: 2