Make sure you have Python 3.7 installed.
You can go to this link to download the latest version of Python:
Make sure that you have git installed on your machine.
You can check by running the following command on terminal for Mac users and command prompt for Windows users:
git --version
You should have something like this returned
git version 2.20.1 (Apple Git-117)
If you get an error that says you don't have git installed, go to this website to download git onto your machine:
Once you have git installed, clone the repo to your machine with the following command
git clone
Move into the bit-backend directory
cd bit-backend
Check to make sure that you have pip installed on you machine with the following command:
pip --version
If you do not have pip installed, then run the following command:
sudo easy_install pip
Check if you have virtualenv installed on your machine with the following command:
virtualenv --version
If you do not have it installed, run the following command:
pip install virtualenv
Run the following command in bit-backend to create a virtual environment:
virtualenv venv
Make sure to run your virtual environment whenever you work on this project:
source venv/bin/activate
You should see the (venv) next to your terminal name now. This indicates that your working in your virtual environment.
Now run the following command to install all of the dependancies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To get the environment variables, create a Keybase account and download the app. Once that this done, message @wongband to get the .env file. Make sure to put in the backend folder when you get it. Link to download Keybase: