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@BirmacherAkos BirmacherAkos released this 15 Feb 11:38
· 32 commits to master since this release

Auto scan for project files
Add the automatic scan feature to the codesigndoc.
The tool will check the root directory for the project files (e.g: .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace).
If it could not find any, then it should rollback to the current 'drag-and-drop' solution.

UI Target support
For iOS Real Device Testing we need to generate an .xcterstrun file which was generated for generic/real device.
For this we need a development provisioning profile for the UITest target too.

Add a new scan option: xcodeuitests ./codesigndoc scan xcodeuitests

The scanner search for valid schemes for the provided iOS project / workspace.
The scheme is valid if:

  1. It has not skipped test target for test run:


  1. There is a UITest target in the not skipped ones :



If you run the ./codesigndoc scan xcodeuitests and you can't find your desired scheme in the list

  1. Make sure your scheme is valid for UITest run (the NOTE above)

  2. Refresh your project settings:

    • Select the Generic iOS Device target for the scheme in Xcode.
    • Clean your project ⌘ Cmd + ↑ Shift + K
    • Run a build-for-testing ⌘ Cmd + ↑ Shift + U

And try the codesigndoc again.