Releases: bizzomate/ComboSelector
Added enums
The ComboSelector now also supports the use of enums for the association display/search attribute
Added searchMethod (contains/starts-with)
You can now choose between search with "contains" (default, previously the only option) or with "starts-with". This works for both the Xpath (searching on the server) and the Widget (searching in front-end, based on a list from Xpath or MF) options.
Fix for Mx7
Fix for Mx7, tested with Mx7.23.6
Added readonly class
Added class to identify when the widget is rendered as readonly.
Avoid error when user enters ' or "
Escape ' and " characters to avoid errors when the user would enter
these in the input field.
Update on MF refresh
Added an objectHandle so the widget also correctly updates content when the context object is updated via a microflow.
Added Xpath serverside execution
Added the possibility to execute the search (when Xpath is used instead of MF) on the server instead of in the client. This is can be used for when there are too many items to be processed front-end.
Added icon
Added an icon to make the widget more recognizable in the Mendix modeler.
Initial commit