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Build windows (Win-latest) #41

Build windows (Win-latest)

Build windows (Win-latest) #41

Workflow file for this run

name: Build windows (Win-latest)
description: 'Branch, tag or commit SHA1 to build'
default: ''
required: false
type: string
description: 'Run-ID of build with help-ehf asset'
default: ''
required: false
type: string
runs-on: windows-latest
name: Build on ${{ matrix.distro }} ${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: Find VS
shell: pwsh
run: |
$installationPath = Get-VSSetupInstance `
| Select-VSSetupInstance -Require Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop -Latest `
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty InstallationPath
Write-Output "VSDEVCMD=${installationPath}\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" `
| Out-File -FilePath "${Env:GITHUB_ENV}" -Append
cat "${Env:GITHUB_ENV}"
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ inputs.refToBuild }}
- name: Download pre-built OpenSSL
shell: pwsh
run: |
cd .\microemacs\3rdparty
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile
Expand-Archive -Path .\ -DestinationPath .
dir .
- name: Compile windows100 mec
shell: pwsh
run: |
& "${Env:COMSPEC}" /s /c "`"${Env:VSDEVCMD}`" -arch=x86 -host_arch=x64 -no_logo && set" `
| % { , ($_ -Split '=', 2) } `
| % { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($_[0], $_[1]) }
nmake -f winmsvc.mak BTYP=c
working-directory: ./microemacs/src
- name: Compile windows100 mew
shell: pwsh
run: |
& "${Env:COMSPEC}" /s /c "`"${Env:VSDEVCMD}`" -arch=x86 -host_arch=x64 -no_logo && set" `
| % { , ($_ -Split '=', 2) } `
| % { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($_[0], $_[1]) }
nmake -f winmsvc.mak BTYP=w
working-directory: ./microemacs/src
- name: Create windows100 bin download
shell: pwsh
run: |
mkdir -Path downloads
mkdir -Path packages
cd .\microemacs\bin
Remove-Item .gitignore
Rename-Item -Path windows100-intel32-msvc17 -NewName windows100-intel32
cd ..
Rename-Item -Path release_readme.txt -NewName readme.txt
$env:MEVER=$(.\bin\windows100-intel32\mec -p @contribs/ver.emf)
Compress-Archive -Path bin,COPYING.txt,readme.txt -DestinationPath ..\downloads\Jasspa_MicroEmacs_${env:MEVER}_bin_windows_binaries
- name: Create windows100 openssl download
shell: pwsh
run: |
cd .\microemacs
$env:MEVER=$(.\bin\windows100-intel32\mec -p @contribs/ver.emf)
cd .\3rdparty\openssl-3.0\x86\bin
mkdir -Path tfs\bin\windows100-intel32
Copy-Item -Path libssl-3.dll -Destination tfs\bin\windows100-intel32
Copy-Item -Path libcrypto-3.dll -Destination tfs\bin\windows100-intel32
Copy-Item -Path ..\..\version.txt -Destination tfs\bin\windows100-intel32
Copy-Item -Path ..\..\LICENSE.txt -Destination tfs\bin\windows100-intel32
cd tfs
Compress-Archive -Path bin -DestinationPath ..\..\..\..\..\..\downloads\Jasspa_MicroEmacs_${env:MEVER}
cd ..
..\..\..\..\bin\windows100-intel32\tfs -o ../../../../../packages/Jasspa_MicroEmacs_${env:MEVER}_openssl_windows100_intel32.tfs -a ../../../../mesingle/tfs_hd tfs
- name: Get ehf help file
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v6
run_id: ${{ inputs.refToHelpAsset }}
workflow: build-linux.yml
name: help-ehf
path: ./microemacs
search_artifacts: true
- name: Create windows MSI installer
shell: pwsh
run: |
$env:Path = $env:WIX + 'bin;' + $env:Path
cd .\microemacs
$env:MEVER=$(.\bin\windows100-intel32\mec -p @contribs/ver.emf)
$env:MEVERDT=$(.\bin\windows100-intel32\mec -p @contribs/ver.emf -f MEVERDT)
$env:MEVERYR=$(.\bin\windows100-intel32\mec -p @contribs/ver.emf -f MEVERYR)
cd .\wix
Copy-Item -Path ..\bin\windows100-intel32\mew.exe -Destination .
Copy-Item -Path ..\bin\windows100-intel32\mec.exe -Destination .
Copy-Item -Path ..\COPYING.txt -Destination .
..\bin\windows100-intel32\mec.exe -p "@meigen"
Copy-Item -Path ..\me.ehf -Destination macros
heat dir macros -o jmeMacros.wxs -scom -frag -srd -sreg -gg -cg MacrosGroupId -dr jmeMacrosDirRef
candle -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension jme.wxs jmeMacros.wxs
light -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -o Jasspa_MicroEmacs_${env:MEVER}_installer_windows.msi -loc jme.wxl jme.wixobj jmeMacros.wixobj -b macros
Copy-Item -Path Jasspa_MicroEmacs_${env:MEVER}_installer_windows.msi -Destination ..\..\downloads
- name: Compile windows100 static mec
shell: pwsh
run: |
& "${Env:COMSPEC}" /s /c "`"${Env:VSDEVCMD}`" -arch=x86 -host_arch=x64 -no_logo && set" `
| % { , ($_ -Split '=', 2) } `
| % { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($_[0], $_[1]) }
nmake -f winmsvc.mak BTYP=c LSTT=1
working-directory: ./microemacs/src
- name: Create windows100 mesc
shell: pwsh
run: |
cd .\microemacs
$env:MEVER=$(.\bin\windows100-intel32\mec -p @contribs/ver.emf)
cd .\mesingle
mkdir -Path bin\windows100-intel32
..\bin\windows100-intel32\mec.exe -p "@mesgen" -f -p ..\bin\windows100-intel32-msvc17s\mec.exe -t ..\bin\windows100-intel32\tfs.exe -o bin\windows100-intel32\mesc.exe
Copy-Item -Path ..\COPYING.txt -Destination .
Copy-Item -Path ..\readme.txt -Destination .
Compress-Archive -Path bin,COPYING.txt,readme.txt -DestinationPath ..\..\downloads\Jasspa_MicroEmacs_${env:MEVER}_abin_windows_mesc
- name: Compile windows100 static mew
shell: pwsh
run: |
& "${Env:COMSPEC}" /s /c "`"${Env:VSDEVCMD}`" -arch=x86 -host_arch=x64 -no_logo && set" `
| % { , ($_ -Split '=', 2) } `
| % { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($_[0], $_[1]) }
nmake -f winmsvc.mak BTYP=w LSTT=1
working-directory: ./microemacs/src
- name: Create windows100 mesw
shell: pwsh
run: |
cd .\microemacs
$env:MEVER=$(.\bin\windows100-intel32\mec -p @contribs/ver.emf)
cd .\mesingle
Remove-Item bin\windows100-intel32\mesc.exe
..\bin\windows100-intel32\mec.exe -p "@mesgen" -f -p ..\bin\windows100-intel32-msvc17s\mew.exe -t ..\bin\windows100-intel32\tfs.exe -o bin\windows100-intel32\mesw.exe
Compress-Archive -Path bin,COPYING.txt,readme.txt -DestinationPath ..\..\downloads\Jasspa_MicroEmacs_${env:MEVER}_abin_windows_mesw
- name: Upload Packages
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: windows100-downloads
path: downloads
- name: Upload windows100 packages
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: windows100-packages
path: packages