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A HAL1957 Interpreter written for a student project

An interpreter for a simple Von Neumann implementation written in JAVA

This is written in Java18 so you need a JRE18 to run this

At the moment the modeled RAM has addresses up to 0xFF


java -jar HALInterpreter.jar [-d, --debug] programFile.txt

Program files

The program files are simple .txt files. Each lines consists of three parts, a line number, a instruction, and an optional operand.

^  ^       ^
I  I       Operand
I  Instruction name
Line number

Note that line numbers don't need to be in the correct order to be executed in the correct order.
Line numbers are seen as addresses in the folowwing table. JUMP 10 will jump to line 10.
Also note that lines can be skipped.

15 OUT

will work just fine. Every line that isn't present will be skipped automatically, so jumping to a non-existant line is possible ans will skip until the next existing line is found.

Empty lines in the file will be ignored together with comments starting the line with //

Example program

The following program will ask for two values from the user and add them and output the result.


2 IN
// we need to store the first IN because the second IN will override the accumulator with its value
3 STORE 10
4 IN
// ww can add the saved first value in register 10 with the second input that was read into the accumulator
5 ADD 10

Note that we only have one accumulator to work with so we need to store the first number in storage so we can use it later.

Instruction set

Name Operand Explanation
START Starts the program
STOP Stops the program
IN p Reads from the I/O Buffer on port p (Leave empty to read from STDIN / user prompt)
OUT p Writes to the I/O Buffer on port p (Leave empty to write on STDOUT)
LOAD r Loads the contents of register r into the accumulator
LOADNUM c Loads the constant k into the accumulator
STORE r Stores the content of the accumulator to register r
JUMPNEG a Jump to address a if accumulator < 0
JUMPPOS a Jump to address a if accumulator > 0
JUMPNULL a Jump to address a if accumulator = 0
JUMP a Jump to address a
ADD r Adds the content of register r to the accumulator
ADDNUM c Adds the constant c to the accumulator
SUB r Substract the content of register r from the accumulator
SUBNUM c Substract the constant c from the accumulator
MUL r Multiplies the content of register r with the accumulator
MULNUM c Multiplies the constant c with the accumulator
DIV r Divides the accumulator by the content of register r
DIVNUM c Divides the accumulator by the constant c
LOADIND r Loads the register to which the contents of register r points (load indirect, ACC = [[r]]) into the accumulator
STOREIND r Stores the accumulator to the register to which the content of register r points to (store indirect) [[r]] = ACC


Create networks of multiple interconnected HAL Interpreters.

You can run the halOS class with an OS Config file to created multiple HAL interpreters thet run simultaneously.

Config file format

  "hal": [
      "id": "1",
      "program-file": "./p1.txt"
      "id": "2",
      "program-file": "./p2.txt"
  "connections": [
      "startID": "1",
      "startPort": 3,
      "destID": "2",
      "destPort": 2
      "startID": "STDIN",
      "destID": "1",
      "destPort": 0
      "startID": "2",
      "startPort": 3,
      "destID": "STDOUT"

The hal section describes how many interpreters exist in the network and what program they should run. The connections section describers the I/O buffers of each interpreter.
The first connection in the example above causes hal interpreter 1 to have an I/O buffer on port 3 that can be written to and hal interpreter 2 to have that I/O buffer on port 2 to read from (these buffers are directional). In hal code this connection could be used as OUT 3 on hal 1 and IN 2 on hal 2.
If a hal interpreter reads from an I/O Buffer that has not been written to it waits until the sending interpreter sends a value to the I/O buffer.
You can use STDIN as a connection startID to prompt the user for a console input and STDOUT as a destID to write to the console.


a HAL1957 Interpreter written for a student project








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