A Discord Bot to get the current offers (specials and top sellers) on Steam. Created with Python (flask, discord.py, requests).
- Everytime the commands specials or top are used, the bots fetch data from the API endpoint: https://store.steampowered.com/api/featuredcategories.
- The data is formatted in a readable way and sent back to the user as a reply message from the bot.
- The steps 1 and 2 keeps repeating while the bot is running.
- Open this link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1074709878116982784&permissions=414464854080&scope=bot
- Select the server where you want to add the bot.
- Click on "Authorize" button.
- Go to server where bot is located and type .about to see available commands and info about the bot.
- Try the specified commands from the about message.